Hello everybody!!!
Merry CHRISTmas!!! This year's CHRISTmas is better than last year because last year I was up in the radio room. This year, I'm at Sandy's. I am having a wonderful time with the family. I got some cool gifts.
I got a jacket from Mr. and Mrs. Simmers, a sweater from Sandy, also, a camera case, and a superman hat. From Brenda in the paulyanna gift exchange I got the Dark Knight 2009 calender, Batman pez dispensers, and 100,000 games for the computer. She did a pretty good job.
I bought Sandy a skirt, a purse, and two cds. The CHRISTmas cds I bought her is called "A Cozy CHRISTmas". The other is cd is called "Guitar Escapes". The CHRISTmas cd has a lot of guitar in it so that worked out for Sandy cause she loves guitar.
Well, I guess thats all I can post.
I hope everyone is enjoying their CHRISTmas.
For His purpose,
Shane Gordon.
Married Life, a new born baby, and other surprises
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I wished I felt well. It started about a week ago. I stayed up late Monday to study for Survey of Music history and well I'm still feeling its effects. It started out as a headache, then my throat, and I predicted it would go in my chest and it did. Now I'm all stuffy and slowly getting better.
The only thing is Lizzy and Beckster are getting sick. Lizzy gots the sore throat and Becky started off like I did last week so she will probably get everything I got. So please pray for us.
Sandy is work today. I miss her. I'll be going to the mall with Mrs. Simmers, Brenda, Lizzy, and Becky.
So thats all folks!
For His purpose,
Shane Gordon
I wished I felt well. It started about a week ago. I stayed up late Monday to study for Survey of Music history and well I'm still feeling its effects. It started out as a headache, then my throat, and I predicted it would go in my chest and it did. Now I'm all stuffy and slowly getting better.
The only thing is Lizzy and Beckster are getting sick. Lizzy gots the sore throat and Becky started off like I did last week so she will probably get everything I got. So please pray for us.
Sandy is work today. I miss her. I'll be going to the mall with Mrs. Simmers, Brenda, Lizzy, and Becky.
So thats all folks!
For His purpose,
Shane Gordon
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Long Time no post
Hey everybody,
Sorry its been a while. I've been preparing all last week and this first couple days this week for a particular final I've been asking prayer for. I would like to praise the Lord and thank everybody that prayed for me in this class that I struggled all semester in. Survey of music History.
I passed the final exam which means I passed the course. So thanks again for those of you who prayed with me. Your prayers were answered and mine as well. I didn't know everything but I passed!!!!
I don't know what my grade is yet for the final but I know I passed because the teacher announced it in chapel saying all of us passed so we wouldn't be worrying about it during chapel time. I will be seeing the teacher afterwards. We don't have our finals back yet because one student is sick and we won't get them until she takes the final and after he grades hers.
Anyways, I'm leaving Saturday to head to Sandy's for the CHRISTmas break. I've been longing for that break for a long time because Thanksgiving break is one thing but CHRISTmas break is another thing.
Thanksgiving break you come back to continue the classes you are taking. CHRISTmas break you're leaving and coming back in the new year for a whole new set of classes and its 5 week break rather than just 10 days like Thanksgiving. But Thanksgiving break was much needed before finals and I was thankful for it.
Well, I best be going. There is one final that I'm a little concerned about. Its not written, it is for teaching music and Art. My final is to teach an art class. I will be teaching 2 young s. One is in 2nd grade and the other in 4th. So that will be challenging.
Alright, for His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Sorry its been a while. I've been preparing all last week and this first couple days this week for a particular final I've been asking prayer for. I would like to praise the Lord and thank everybody that prayed for me in this class that I struggled all semester in. Survey of music History.
I passed the final exam which means I passed the course. So thanks again for those of you who prayed with me. Your prayers were answered and mine as well. I didn't know everything but I passed!!!!
I don't know what my grade is yet for the final but I know I passed because the teacher announced it in chapel saying all of us passed so we wouldn't be worrying about it during chapel time. I will be seeing the teacher afterwards. We don't have our finals back yet because one student is sick and we won't get them until she takes the final and after he grades hers.
Anyways, I'm leaving Saturday to head to Sandy's for the CHRISTmas break. I've been longing for that break for a long time because Thanksgiving break is one thing but CHRISTmas break is another thing.
Thanksgiving break you come back to continue the classes you are taking. CHRISTmas break you're leaving and coming back in the new year for a whole new set of classes and its 5 week break rather than just 10 days like Thanksgiving. But Thanksgiving break was much needed before finals and I was thankful for it.
Well, I best be going. There is one final that I'm a little concerned about. Its not written, it is for teaching music and Art. My final is to teach an art class. I will be teaching 2 young s. One is in 2nd grade and the other in 4th. So that will be challenging.
Alright, for His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, November 24, 2008
A Walk In November To Remember
Today started off normal like usual for Sandy and I. Get up at 8:30am and sit down with each other and talk and then have our morning devotions. Then we ate breakfast and man did I get full. Sandy is going to make an awesome possum cook when we're married. I'm gonna gain weight. YES!!!
Speaking of getting married, what happens before a marriage? You've guessed it, engagement. We went on our normal walk Sandy and I and well we always stop at this particular area and do all the mooshy ooshy gooshy stuff like stare into each other's eyes and say "I love you". Sandy wasn't expecting this to happen today and I wasn't either.
Sandy started to walk away and I stopped her and told her that I went shopping a while back and found this flower and I immediately thought of her. You see, I always pick these little flowers for Sandy at school. So I told Sandy I bought her a flower (the ring that has 7 diamonds in the shape of a flower) and I wanted to give it to her.
I bowed the knee and asked Sandy to marry me and of course she said yes.
So it was a walk in November to remember!!
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Speaking of getting married, what happens before a marriage? You've guessed it, engagement. We went on our normal walk Sandy and I and well we always stop at this particular area and do all the mooshy ooshy gooshy stuff like stare into each other's eyes and say "I love you". Sandy wasn't expecting this to happen today and I wasn't either.
Sandy started to walk away and I stopped her and told her that I went shopping a while back and found this flower and I immediately thought of her. You see, I always pick these little flowers for Sandy at school. So I told Sandy I bought her a flower (the ring that has 7 diamonds in the shape of a flower) and I wanted to give it to her.
I bowed the knee and asked Sandy to marry me and of course she said yes.
So it was a walk in November to remember!!
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Finally on a break
Well, here I am at the Simmers with my babybabe Sandy,
I enjoying it very much and I'm glad I'm on a break from the church, college, and dorm. You just need a change of pace every once and a while and this is an excellent change of pace. Get away for 10 days and then go back to school for 12 days and then come back here!!! Thants awesome possum.
Sandy is sitting behind me being nosey and reading what I'm typing. She is like her dog piddles, follows me around and stares at me wishing I'd give her attention...just kidding. Thats more like me....well....maybe not. Iono. Anyways, so we have a got a bunch of stuff and plans this week.
Tonight is a birthday party for Sandy's sister Lizzy. We're probably going to have bonfire but it might be a little too windy. We'll see. Anyways,
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
I enjoying it very much and I'm glad I'm on a break from the church, college, and dorm. You just need a change of pace every once and a while and this is an excellent change of pace. Get away for 10 days and then go back to school for 12 days and then come back here!!! Thants awesome possum.
Sandy is sitting behind me being nosey and reading what I'm typing. She is like her dog piddles, follows me around and stares at me wishing I'd give her attention...just kidding. Thats more like me....well....maybe not. Iono. Anyways, so we have a got a bunch of stuff and plans this week.
Tonight is a birthday party for Sandy's sister Lizzy. We're probably going to have bonfire but it might be a little too windy. We'll see. Anyways,
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Thanksgiving Break Is Coming!!!
Hello, hello!!
We are only two days away from Thanksgiving break. I have been waiting for this break to come. I desperately need a break. I'll be going to my friend's place for the break. Its going to be wonderful. We are going to have tons of fun. We'll be doing tons of things. Its going to be really busy for us.
With that said, I have gotten a lot of schoolwork done in the past couple days and reading before this break. Anyways, I've been invited to go to Taco Bell!!! I'll post again when I'm at Sandy's!!!hehe!!!!
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
We are only two days away from Thanksgiving break. I have been waiting for this break to come. I desperately need a break. I'll be going to my friend's place for the break. Its going to be wonderful. We are going to have tons of fun. We'll be doing tons of things. Its going to be really busy for us.
With that said, I have gotten a lot of schoolwork done in the past couple days and reading before this break. Anyways, I've been invited to go to Taco Bell!!! I'll post again when I'm at Sandy's!!!hehe!!!!
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Prayer Request
Hey y'all!!
I am asking prayer for Survey of Music History Final. That will be in December. I am not doing great in the class but enough that if I pass the final I'll pass the course. So please pray that I will pass that course. The class is a total 3 credits and if I lose 3 credits that means I have to be able to get 16 credits for next semester to graduate. I struggled to get 14 credits this semester. I took classes that I didn't really want to take but thats life. So please pray that I will do well in the final. I'm going to be preparing for it in the next coming weeks, reviewing my notes, quiz's and tests. Alrighty, I will smell you all later.
For His purpose,
Shane Gordon.
I am asking prayer for Survey of Music History Final. That will be in December. I am not doing great in the class but enough that if I pass the final I'll pass the course. So please pray that I will pass that course. The class is a total 3 credits and if I lose 3 credits that means I have to be able to get 16 credits for next semester to graduate. I struggled to get 14 credits this semester. I took classes that I didn't really want to take but thats life. So please pray that I will do well in the final. I'm going to be preparing for it in the next coming weeks, reviewing my notes, quiz's and tests. Alrighty, I will smell you all later.
For His purpose,
Shane Gordon.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Just saying hey
Hey everybody,
Just wanted to say hello and thanks everybody for praying. I still have a lot of work ahead of me but my God shall supply all my need. Anyways, just in case you wanted to know about my better half. Her name is Sandy Simmers. I love her so much. She is such a blessing to me. She is the best gift next to Salvation from the Lord.
I love you Sandy,
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Just wanted to say hello and thanks everybody for praying. I still have a lot of work ahead of me but my God shall supply all my need. Anyways, just in case you wanted to know about my better half. Her name is Sandy Simmers. I love her so much. She is such a blessing to me. She is the best gift next to Salvation from the Lord.
I love you Sandy,
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Survey of Music History
Hey Everybody,
I would like everyone to please pray for me concerning the class Survey of Music History. I have failed 2 quiz's so far and I have taken 3. I passed the mid-term in the class. I am struggling in the class. It's history. That is all I can say. I am learning but I would like to transfer what I'm learning onto the quiz's and pass them. The quiz's are 50% of the grade. I think there is one more quiz and then its the final in December. That will be over everything from start to finish. So I have my work cut out for me until then.
Anyways, thanks everyone praying for my unspoken. God granted mercy and grace. But please continue to pray for me. Even prayers are answered, there is still much to face and still am facing. God will grant mercy and grace. Thanks again for your prayers.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
I would like everyone to please pray for me concerning the class Survey of Music History. I have failed 2 quiz's so far and I have taken 3. I passed the mid-term in the class. I am struggling in the class. It's history. That is all I can say. I am learning but I would like to transfer what I'm learning onto the quiz's and pass them. The quiz's are 50% of the grade. I think there is one more quiz and then its the final in December. That will be over everything from start to finish. So I have my work cut out for me until then.
Anyways, thanks everyone praying for my unspoken. God granted mercy and grace. But please continue to pray for me. Even prayers are answered, there is still much to face and still am facing. God will grant mercy and grace. Thanks again for your prayers.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Prayer Time Prayer Time
Hey everybody!!!
I have a special unspoken prayer request. Pray especially for me at this time. I need a lot of guidance and direction. There is not much that I can say but that the Lord is teaching me a lot about leadership. I have much to learn still but I am learning. As a leader, you need to be ever so careful how you lead. It will either break or make you.
So until next time.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
I have a special unspoken prayer request. Pray especially for me at this time. I need a lot of guidance and direction. There is not much that I can say but that the Lord is teaching me a lot about leadership. I have much to learn still but I am learning. As a leader, you need to be ever so careful how you lead. It will either break or make you.
So until next time.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Friday, October 17, 2008
What to Do?
Well, so far this has been an interesting semester. Its had its up and downs and mostly downs but as the verse of the year says at the end of it, I shall come forth as gold. All that has happened so far is for the good (Romans 8:28). Certainly the senior year is the trying year of every student. As I attended college and I watched seniors in their last year, I learned that I would face a trial or temptation.
The devil has been attacking from almost every direction. I'm at that point of where I just want to be done with school and move on in life but God has something for me to learn here yet. Not sure what it is but I know I will learn something and increase in the knowledge of my Savior Jesus Christ.
When everything is said that has to be said, the fat lady sings, so on and so forth...God will be glorified.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
The devil has been attacking from almost every direction. I'm at that point of where I just want to be done with school and move on in life but God has something for me to learn here yet. Not sure what it is but I know I will learn something and increase in the knowledge of my Savior Jesus Christ.
When everything is said that has to be said, the fat lady sings, so on and so forth...God will be glorified.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Down Hill Slide
Wazz up!!!!
So here we are on the down hill slide now. We are in the 9th week and where is time going? Time is passing and we need desperately some refining fire. Oh that God would revive us again. As I look at myself and other surrounding Christians, we need revival.
Revival starts with me and you.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
So here we are on the down hill slide now. We are in the 9th week and where is time going? Time is passing and we need desperately some refining fire. Oh that God would revive us again. As I look at myself and other surrounding Christians, we need revival.
Revival starts with me and you.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Now What?
Hello peoples!!
Here I am in the midst...well...not really in the midst of midterms but starting. My first mid-term is tomorrow morning. I got a 95% on my piano lesson. That is a good start to my week and in mid-term week. So hopefully that grade and grades close to that grade will continue throughout this week in my mid-terms.
For the first time ever in my college career I will be having a mid-term on a Friday. That is a insane. I suppose good things have to come to an end. Can't enjoy life all the time. Well, we should be able to but we tend to make mistakes that ruin it. So all in all, its our own fault if we can't enjoy life.
Anyways, it is a huge gigantic mid-term tomorrow (Tuesday). Survey of Music History. Not my favorite class but I know I'll learn something.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Here I am in the midst...well...not really in the midst of midterms but starting. My first mid-term is tomorrow morning. I got a 95% on my piano lesson. That is a good start to my week and in mid-term week. So hopefully that grade and grades close to that grade will continue throughout this week in my mid-terms.
For the first time ever in my college career I will be having a mid-term on a Friday. That is a insane. I suppose good things have to come to an end. Can't enjoy life all the time. Well, we should be able to but we tend to make mistakes that ruin it. So all in all, its our own fault if we can't enjoy life.
Anyways, it is a huge gigantic mid-term tomorrow (Tuesday). Survey of Music History. Not my favorite class but I know I'll learn something.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
A Week From Mid-Terms
Can you believe it guys? We are a week from Mid-Terms!!! I said it before and I'll say it again, time is flying by. Next week is the half way point. Again, another one of those weeks are coming up and its during mid-terms. I preach Sunday in Junior church, I preach Monday in College chapel and then I preach Tuesday down in the Academy chapel. I'm not sure what Wednesday is going to be but I'm sure I'm going to have something to do.
Things are going well. I'm getting things done slowly but surely. I looked at my homework schedule for the semester and well, no worries. I'll get it done. I always do. I'll have at least one thing due each week in the following weeks to come. Project after project.
Well, I need to get studying the Bible and other things to be ready for next week.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Can you believe it guys? We are a week from Mid-Terms!!! I said it before and I'll say it again, time is flying by. Next week is the half way point. Again, another one of those weeks are coming up and its during mid-terms. I preach Sunday in Junior church, I preach Monday in College chapel and then I preach Tuesday down in the Academy chapel. I'm not sure what Wednesday is going to be but I'm sure I'm going to have something to do.
Things are going well. I'm getting things done slowly but surely. I looked at my homework schedule for the semester and well, no worries. I'll get it done. I always do. I'll have at least one thing due each week in the following weeks to come. Project after project.
Well, I need to get studying the Bible and other things to be ready for next week.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Worn Out
Hey everybody!!
Just doing some posting. I am worn out and tired. Sorta been a long week for me this week. I just been trying to hang in there. Not much I can do. I sit down to do one thing and then I get distracted from the one thing I wanted to do.
I think I need one definite schedule to follow so I can actually feel like I'm getting something done. I've tried making a schedule before but I never really followed it. Things would always come up (being dorm monitor) that would keep me from doing other things that need done.
But no worries, the things that need to get done get done somehow or another. It always gets done. So, there is no reason I should fret about getting things done. Its in my nature to worry I suppose. But that doesn't mean I should worry and try to worry about it. Just do what I can and keep pressing forward for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Just doing some posting. I am worn out and tired. Sorta been a long week for me this week. I just been trying to hang in there. Not much I can do. I sit down to do one thing and then I get distracted from the one thing I wanted to do.
I think I need one definite schedule to follow so I can actually feel like I'm getting something done. I've tried making a schedule before but I never really followed it. Things would always come up (being dorm monitor) that would keep me from doing other things that need done.
But no worries, the things that need to get done get done somehow or another. It always gets done. So, there is no reason I should fret about getting things done. Its in my nature to worry I suppose. But that doesn't mean I should worry and try to worry about it. Just do what I can and keep pressing forward for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, September 8, 2008
All At Once
It seems like everything falls together in one week. Projects due, reading to be done, messages to be preached in Academy chapel, College chapel, junior church, and nursing home. Its always been like that since my freshman year. Everything is due the same week and everything needs to be done on that one week. When I want to sit down to do one thing something else comes up and that something else is more important than what I was about to do.
So that is what it is like right now. Its getting busy and its going by fast and it seems like I'm getting nothing done. We are already a quarter of the way done the semester. I better not blink too much or else I'll miss my last Fall semester.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
So that is what it is like right now. Its getting busy and its going by fast and it seems like I'm getting nothing done. We are already a quarter of the way done the semester. I better not blink too much or else I'll miss my last Fall semester.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Oh Boy!!
Time is flying people. We're in the third of school already. It seems like I just started back to school yesterday. Time is flying and I have got very little school work done. My fault of course. I read some and did some paper work but that is it. Not much else. I will get going to work on my school work after this.
Well, I should go now because I just looked at the time and the day is almost gone too. Alrighty, for His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Well, I should go now because I just looked at the time and the day is almost gone too. Alrighty, for His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Start of Second Week
Well, here I am in the second week. It has sort of flown by. I am taking 14 credits. There is only one class I am worried about. Teaching Music and Art. My final for the end of the semester will be teaching an academy class for art. I am looking forward to it. I want to do good in this class. This class will also teach me more about teaching. Apt to teach.
Anyways, almost time for chapel. I will post more about my classes another time. Alright.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Anyways, almost time for chapel. I will post more about my classes another time. Alright.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Is It Time For School Yet?
So here I am at the Simmers this morning thinking about how the summer is over and its time for me to go back to school. I am leaving with the Simmers after lunch. This years schedule for me will be interesting. I am going to have to set a goal where I am studying a lot. Certain days where I study for a few hours and do homework. It probably involves a lot of reading and writing papers again.
I am taking a lot of history classes. Actually, its almost like this, I am majoring in Dr. Straughan classes. Because I am taking a lot of his classes. But I am taking a Mrs. Bullock class and at least I am taking a Mr. Greer class. Its going to be a busy semester for me.
I am taking 16 credits. I wanted to take as much as I could in the fall so in the spring I wouldn't have as much. I only need 27 credits to graduate. So since I am taking 16 that'll leave only 11 to graduate and it takes 12 to stay in the dorm.
Well, I should go. I need to start preparing to be ready to leave for the school. Its exciting!! My Senior Year!!!!!!!
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
I am taking a lot of history classes. Actually, its almost like this, I am majoring in Dr. Straughan classes. Because I am taking a lot of his classes. But I am taking a Mrs. Bullock class and at least I am taking a Mr. Greer class. Its going to be a busy semester for me.
I am taking 16 credits. I wanted to take as much as I could in the fall so in the spring I wouldn't have as much. I only need 27 credits to graduate. So since I am taking 16 that'll leave only 11 to graduate and it takes 12 to stay in the dorm.
Well, I should go. I need to start preparing to be ready to leave for the school. Its exciting!! My Senior Year!!!!!!!
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
In The Making
Hey everybody,
Just wanted to say Sandy and I are going to create a new blog. It'll be our blog together. Hehe. Anyways, I'll be going to Sandy's church tonight. I got my hairs cut finally. Mrs. Simmers cut it for me. She did a good job. I like it. It was nothing fancy. I had cut my sides and she took some off the top.
Anyways, I'm gonna go and create this new blog for Sandy and I. I will be still updating this one after creating Sandy's and mine. I guess Sandy's and Mine will just be for us to update with what goes on with our relationship we have. I don't know. It seems far fetched but it'll probably work. Depends on how we decide what to do with it.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Just wanted to say Sandy and I are going to create a new blog. It'll be our blog together. Hehe. Anyways, I'll be going to Sandy's church tonight. I got my hairs cut finally. Mrs. Simmers cut it for me. She did a good job. I like it. It was nothing fancy. I had cut my sides and she took some off the top.
Anyways, I'm gonna go and create this new blog for Sandy and I. I will be still updating this one after creating Sandy's and mine. I guess Sandy's and Mine will just be for us to update with what goes on with our relationship we have. I don't know. It seems far fetched but it'll probably work. Depends on how we decide what to do with it.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, August 11, 2008
I'm At Sandy's!!!
So I'm at Sandy's house. It has been great already. Supper is cooking and we're going to Wal-Mart after Brenda talks to Seth after he's done work. Then we're going to watch a movie tonight. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
We are supposed to go out with Brenda and Seth somewhere sometime this week as a double date thing. The Simmers have a lot of animals. They have 3 dogs and two cats. The oldest dog's name is Hero. Next would be Piddles I think. Then its Lars. Lars is a fun dog. If you start playing with him he gets going and sort of out of control.
I just leaned over Hero to put a glass of water on the table and he looked up and I said, its ok Hero. go to sleep and he did. Anyways, that was random.
We're eating my favorite tonight. Spaggettii!! Oh yeah, I'm sleeping in the attic...above the garage. Mr. Simmers said that he was sorry that he didn't have an extra room. Its actually kinda nice. It doesn't get hot up there. It got cool last night and it was the kind of cool that I liked. So I was comfortable except that I woke up 5:45 this morning and couldn't fall back to sleep.
Well, I shall post when I'm back at the college I suppose. I'll be there Thursday afternoon.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
We are supposed to go out with Brenda and Seth somewhere sometime this week as a double date thing. The Simmers have a lot of animals. They have 3 dogs and two cats. The oldest dog's name is Hero. Next would be Piddles I think. Then its Lars. Lars is a fun dog. If you start playing with him he gets going and sort of out of control.
I just leaned over Hero to put a glass of water on the table and he looked up and I said, its ok Hero. go to sleep and he did. Anyways, that was random.
We're eating my favorite tonight. Spaggettii!! Oh yeah, I'm sleeping in the attic...above the garage. Mr. Simmers said that he was sorry that he didn't have an extra room. Its actually kinda nice. It doesn't get hot up there. It got cool last night and it was the kind of cool that I liked. So I was comfortable except that I woke up 5:45 this morning and couldn't fall back to sleep.
Well, I shall post when I'm back at the college I suppose. I'll be there Thursday afternoon.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Hey Hey,
Well, I've been at the Flegals since Tuesday. I arrived safe and sound. I love the Flegals. I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon to go to Sandy's house!! I finally get to see Sandy again. I get to spend time with Sandy again. I get to spend a lot of Sandy.
I'll be living in a tent or their attic. From the sounds of things it'll be in the tent outside. Which is fine. Sandy is there. I'm looking forward to it. I'm not exactly sure what we'll be doing the 4 days I'm there. I know I'll be going with Brenda and Sandy to Mt. Zion Baptist Church to see Anna Davis before she leaves for Germany.
Anyways, I'm going Rock Climbing with Matt Flegal, Ben Flegal, Judah, and Judah's finace. It shall be fun. I've been rock climbing once. Last time it was with Matt Flegal. So there are more people than last time.
Well, I'm gonna go. We gotta eat.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Well, I've been at the Flegals since Tuesday. I arrived safe and sound. I love the Flegals. I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon to go to Sandy's house!! I finally get to see Sandy again. I get to spend time with Sandy again. I get to spend a lot of Sandy.
I'll be living in a tent or their attic. From the sounds of things it'll be in the tent outside. Which is fine. Sandy is there. I'm looking forward to it. I'm not exactly sure what we'll be doing the 4 days I'm there. I know I'll be going with Brenda and Sandy to Mt. Zion Baptist Church to see Anna Davis before she leaves for Germany.
Anyways, I'm going Rock Climbing with Matt Flegal, Ben Flegal, Judah, and Judah's finace. It shall be fun. I've been rock climbing once. Last time it was with Matt Flegal. So there are more people than last time.
Well, I'm gonna go. We gotta eat.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Leaving On A Jet Plane
I don't know when I'll be back again...well...I do. Sometime in June of 09. But until then, I'll be in the States. Anyways, I'm leaving Monday. All the arrangements are made. I'll arrive in Philly on Tuesday at 6 I think. All I know is Tuesday. I haven't examined my itinerary fully yet.
I will overnight in Edmonton like normal. I'm so glad that I will not be going through the Toronto airport. I always have delays there. I will be flying from Edmonton to Denver instead. Toronto may have a "more" organized airport now but the service is still horrible. They can be organized all they want but delays will still happen the way service is there.
Well, going on vacation did not work out with the Simmers. Thats ok. I will stay at the Flegals until I meet up with the Simmers next Sunday. The Flegals are always fun. I love them and every one of them. I'm looking forward to seeing them again.
So I preached this past Wednesday and I am preaching tomorrow morning. The title for tomorrow was "Lord, teach me to pray" but I changed it to, "Answers to Prayer with Power we know not". I'm looking forward to preaching it. I enjoyed every message that I preached this summer.
So anyways, a week tomorrow...I GET TO SEE SANDY!!!! :)
I love you Sandy :)
I will overnight in Edmonton like normal. I'm so glad that I will not be going through the Toronto airport. I always have delays there. I will be flying from Edmonton to Denver instead. Toronto may have a "more" organized airport now but the service is still horrible. They can be organized all they want but delays will still happen the way service is there.
Well, going on vacation did not work out with the Simmers. Thats ok. I will stay at the Flegals until I meet up with the Simmers next Sunday. The Flegals are always fun. I love them and every one of them. I'm looking forward to seeing them again.
So I preached this past Wednesday and I am preaching tomorrow morning. The title for tomorrow was "Lord, teach me to pray" but I changed it to, "Answers to Prayer with Power we know not". I'm looking forward to preaching it. I enjoyed every message that I preached this summer.
So anyways, a week tomorrow...I GET TO SEE SANDY!!!! :)
I love you Sandy :)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Bad News and Good News
Well, I will talk about the bad news first. Insurance is going to cost me $8,000!!!! So, I will not be getting a truck this summer. Repeat, NOT getting a truck this summer. That is $3,000 off of the price for the truck. So I will keep the money I saved up this summer and possibly get a truck next summer. Lord willing of course.
Good news. Possibly I am leaving August 4th still and maybe, Lord willing, I will be going on vacation with the Simmers and some other people. So that means I get to spend a good amount of time with Sandy. Then after that I will hitch a ride with Seth to the dorm.
Anyways, thanks everybody for praying for me about this truck issue. The Lord saw best not to give me a truck this summer. I admit, it was a hard pill to swallow. I worked two jobs and to hear my dad say "insurance is going to cost you $8,000 and they won't let you take it to the states", my heart dropped.
I started to think to myself that it was all for nothing but I did save quite a bit of money and I can save it for next year for a better truck.
All things work together for good to them that love God...God's way is perfect and its for the good.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Good news. Possibly I am leaving August 4th still and maybe, Lord willing, I will be going on vacation with the Simmers and some other people. So that means I get to spend a good amount of time with Sandy. Then after that I will hitch a ride with Seth to the dorm.
Anyways, thanks everybody for praying for me about this truck issue. The Lord saw best not to give me a truck this summer. I admit, it was a hard pill to swallow. I worked two jobs and to hear my dad say "insurance is going to cost you $8,000 and they won't let you take it to the states", my heart dropped.
I started to think to myself that it was all for nothing but I did save quite a bit of money and I can save it for next year for a better truck.
All things work together for good to them that love God...God's way is perfect and its for the good.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
My Truck Is Waiting For Me In Whitehorse
Well, the title says it all. My truck is waiting for me. I'm really excited about it. My financing pulled through. My dad is co-signing with me. So, IF, for some reason I can't pay the monthly payments, my dad will take over. But I'm praying that doesn't happen. I have asked the Lord to provide me with the money that I need to keep the payments on the vehicle. I do not want to give my dad a bad name. He is the one signing for it.
Another blessing is, IF, my dad gets this contract that he has been working on, he will pay the truck off and I will pay him back slowly...I hope that is his thinking. So I will make a $5,000 down payment and then $150 a month. So its just trusting in the Lord from here on out...well....it should be that way.
I just would like to thank everybody who has been praying. God has answered mine and yours. They really mean a lot to me. Maybe if you guys are lucky I'll give you a ride sometime in my truck. Hehe. Those of you that have prayed.
Anyways, I will be filling out papers Monday with my dad and then leave August 4th with my mom to Whitehorse. Get everything done Tuesday August 5th and hoping to leave August 5th. I want to be on the road as soon as possible because its quite the drive across Canada all the way to Maryland. Don't worry about me getting lost, I bought a GPS. It has all of North America on it.
Its helpful in a lot of ways. I can make it so that I can avoid tolls. If I don't want to drive through the cities, I can have it take me through back allies...I will probably go through the cities instead of those because who knows what will happen. My parents want me to be where there are a lot people out in the open anyway. So I will do that.
I'll be looking at some maps and start planning my route. Most likely I will turn off to head for the border somewhere in Manitoba or Saskatchewan. Probably Manitoba. I would like to stop in Ohio to see my Pastor's home church. So we will see. Its exciting to think about. I always wanted to do a little road trip...well...this is not really little.
So please pray about this trip for me. Its a long drive by myself. That can be really dangerous. Anyways, I will let everyone go. This is turning into a book.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Another blessing is, IF, my dad gets this contract that he has been working on, he will pay the truck off and I will pay him back slowly...I hope that is his thinking. So I will make a $5,000 down payment and then $150 a month. So its just trusting in the Lord from here on out...well....it should be that way.
I just would like to thank everybody who has been praying. God has answered mine and yours. They really mean a lot to me. Maybe if you guys are lucky I'll give you a ride sometime in my truck. Hehe. Those of you that have prayed.
Anyways, I will be filling out papers Monday with my dad and then leave August 4th with my mom to Whitehorse. Get everything done Tuesday August 5th and hoping to leave August 5th. I want to be on the road as soon as possible because its quite the drive across Canada all the way to Maryland. Don't worry about me getting lost, I bought a GPS. It has all of North America on it.
Its helpful in a lot of ways. I can make it so that I can avoid tolls. If I don't want to drive through the cities, I can have it take me through back allies...I will probably go through the cities instead of those because who knows what will happen. My parents want me to be where there are a lot people out in the open anyway. So I will do that.
I'll be looking at some maps and start planning my route. Most likely I will turn off to head for the border somewhere in Manitoba or Saskatchewan. Probably Manitoba. I would like to stop in Ohio to see my Pastor's home church. So we will see. Its exciting to think about. I always wanted to do a little road trip...well...this is not really little.
So please pray about this trip for me. Its a long drive by myself. That can be really dangerous. Anyways, I will let everyone go. This is turning into a book.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Hold On To Your Hats!!!
So here we are. We're coming to the beginning of the end of July. I've been really busy with truck business. A lot of spending money too to get this truck. I knew there were expenses but holy cow. I guess I never really fully thought about the costs. No worries though, I will still be able to buy the truck and have enough money to get down to school.
Which brings me to my prayer request. I think God has opened a door for a truck. Its road ready, in other words, to be able to drive a long distance. The engine is ready and there are new tires on it. The only thing about it is the body has dents and scratches and such. I don't think its really that bad.
They are selling it for 11,000. I make 5,000 down payment and pay 200 to 300 a month. If they fix the dents and scratches, the price goes up. So I'm thinking, I buy it the way it is. Fix while I'm down in school at a body shop cause it will be cheaper down there and its good to go.
So please pray that I will have wisdom on God's truck for me. Oh yeah, it also has a canopy. So that is what I wanted and its a good deal I think. We will see. I will see pictures of it soon. The dealership they will keep it the way it is for now. They won't fix it up or else the price will go up. God will give me peace.
Thanks for your prayers. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Which brings me to my prayer request. I think God has opened a door for a truck. Its road ready, in other words, to be able to drive a long distance. The engine is ready and there are new tires on it. The only thing about it is the body has dents and scratches and such. I don't think its really that bad.
They are selling it for 11,000. I make 5,000 down payment and pay 200 to 300 a month. If they fix the dents and scratches, the price goes up. So I'm thinking, I buy it the way it is. Fix while I'm down in school at a body shop cause it will be cheaper down there and its good to go.
So please pray that I will have wisdom on God's truck for me. Oh yeah, it also has a canopy. So that is what I wanted and its a good deal I think. We will see. I will see pictures of it soon. The dealership they will keep it the way it is for now. They won't fix it up or else the price will go up. God will give me peace.
Thanks for your prayers. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
July Is Slowly Disappearing
Well, its been the first couple weeks of July and it is going by fast. So I'm working two jobs as you know. I was sort of disappointed a couple days ago because I only worked an hour and a half at Stanton's. But I was glad to to work a full day at Stanton's Saturday. I have only two paychecks left. And then I have to leave and buy my truck.
The dealer my dad talked to hasn't found one yet I don't think. He is also having a family emergency and so I need to respect that and so if this deal doesn't work out there is a truck in town here that the transmission was changed 3 years ago. It'll cost around $8,000 and willing to negotiate.
So I need a lot of wisdom right now. The Lord knows. I'll know the truck He has for me. He wouldn't let it slip away from me. I just need patience and wait for it. I'm looking forward to it.
So my dad wants to drive me to Whitehorse and then buy my truck and leave from there. That means I would be leaving August 1st instead of August 4th. So that is the plan if the dealer finds a truck for me. So hopefully that works out. Only time will tell now.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
The dealer my dad talked to hasn't found one yet I don't think. He is also having a family emergency and so I need to respect that and so if this deal doesn't work out there is a truck in town here that the transmission was changed 3 years ago. It'll cost around $8,000 and willing to negotiate.
So I need a lot of wisdom right now. The Lord knows. I'll know the truck He has for me. He wouldn't let it slip away from me. I just need patience and wait for it. I'm looking forward to it.
So my dad wants to drive me to Whitehorse and then buy my truck and leave from there. That means I would be leaving August 1st instead of August 4th. So that is the plan if the dealer finds a truck for me. So hopefully that works out. Only time will tell now.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
House Cleaning
Well, here I am again. This time with a different post. I did some cleaning around the house. I cleaned my room and did the dishes. I will be sweeping and mopping the porch area. The dog spend a couple nights in there and well, it stinks. I think I need to vacuum the tv room as well. My parents been gone for about a week now and well, dishes haven't got done because I work two jobs and hardly anytime to do anything around here.
My parents will be back Wednesday I hope. Then I can relax again. My schedule has been crazy ever since they left. I get up around 6 am Monday through Friday to take the dog out to do his business. Feed him and go back to bed until 8 to get ready for work. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and sometimes Saturday, I work at Stanton's. Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Friday from 7pm to 10 pm or 10:30. Saturdays from 9 to 5. Well, I still get up at 6 every day of the week and go back to bed to whenever I have to get up again.
I finally come home at night and well, I talk with Sandy. and go to bed and do it all over again the next day. I've had a couple Saturdays off and probably much needed. I worked this past Saturday and well, I didn't go in after lunch because I was super tired. Rino, my manager was generous enough to let me have the rest of the day off. I needed it.
So anyways, yeah, my schedule is super carazy.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
My parents will be back Wednesday I hope. Then I can relax again. My schedule has been crazy ever since they left. I get up around 6 am Monday through Friday to take the dog out to do his business. Feed him and go back to bed until 8 to get ready for work. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and sometimes Saturday, I work at Stanton's. Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Friday from 7pm to 10 pm or 10:30. Saturdays from 9 to 5. Well, I still get up at 6 every day of the week and go back to bed to whenever I have to get up again.
I finally come home at night and well, I talk with Sandy. and go to bed and do it all over again the next day. I've had a couple Saturdays off and probably much needed. I worked this past Saturday and well, I didn't go in after lunch because I was super tired. Rino, my manager was generous enough to let me have the rest of the day off. I needed it.
So anyways, yeah, my schedule is super carazy.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Wow, its July
Hey everybody, I've been really busy. So I figured since I already talked with Sandy and I sent her to bed. Normally I would be talking with her right now. Today was a holiday and so I never went to work in the morning but I went to Stanton's in the afternoon. So since I didn't have work as the carpenter's helper in the morning, I started working at Stanton's earlier today and got out earlier. I normally get off at 10 or 10:30, then I come home and talk with Sandy.
So now I have time to post. Not much is happening except work. I'm reaching my goal to have enough money for a truck. Just to update on that. My dad talked with a dealer in Whitehorse, Yukon. The place where the nearest Wal-Mart is. Anyways, my dad says he is very reliable and he'll find the truck for me to drive down to the States. It'll cost around 10,000 dollars. I'll reach my goal by August and August 4th I'll be buying the truck. Then drive from there. It'll be about 7 or 8 days of driving. Long drive. I gave my dad 300 bones to buy me a gps. He said the one he is getting me will have all of north america on it. So I won't get lost driving all the way down there. I don't think I could do it without it.
Anyways, I'm excited about it. I finished my third week of two jobs...I think. I can't really keep track of the time anymore. I just know it was July 1st because it is Canada Day. Working two jobs is very tiring. Well, I need to get to bed.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
So now I have time to post. Not much is happening except work. I'm reaching my goal to have enough money for a truck. Just to update on that. My dad talked with a dealer in Whitehorse, Yukon. The place where the nearest Wal-Mart is. Anyways, my dad says he is very reliable and he'll find the truck for me to drive down to the States. It'll cost around 10,000 dollars. I'll reach my goal by August and August 4th I'll be buying the truck. Then drive from there. It'll be about 7 or 8 days of driving. Long drive. I gave my dad 300 bones to buy me a gps. He said the one he is getting me will have all of north america on it. So I won't get lost driving all the way down there. I don't think I could do it without it.
Anyways, I'm excited about it. I finished my third week of two jobs...I think. I can't really keep track of the time anymore. I just know it was July 1st because it is Canada Day. Working two jobs is very tiring. Well, I need to get to bed.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Tiredsome Week
Well, this week was my longest week ever this summer. I worked two jobs and I am really tired. It was a long week. But its going to be worth it though when I get a truck. I'll be buying my truck August 4th. I'll be working two jobs and then fly to Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada, buy the truck and then start driving. I'll get to where I need to be in about 7 or 8 days from Whitehorse. Its going to be a long drive but worth it because then I'll have my own vehicle and something to store all of my stuff when I leave after graduation.
Well, not much else happening. I just been working a lot and talking with Sandy. I haven't had much of a social life because I work all day until 5 or 6, go home, shower, eat, and head to Stanton's for my night job. Then I get home about 10 to 10:30pm, grab something to drink and then go on my computer to talk with Sandy. I don't really hang with anybody. I have a few times to hang with my friends but not too much. To buy this truck is going to take sacrifice.
I have learned something in this life this past year. I learned that if you want something, you are going to have to want it and go get it. Yes, God provides my needs but he is not going to put a truck in my lap like that. I'm going to have to work and save the money He gives me to get it. I do my part in honoring Him with my substance, He'll do the rest and He'll get the truck that I need to get to Elkton, Maryland.
Well, thanks for your prayers. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Well, not much else happening. I just been working a lot and talking with Sandy. I haven't had much of a social life because I work all day until 5 or 6, go home, shower, eat, and head to Stanton's for my night job. Then I get home about 10 to 10:30pm, grab something to drink and then go on my computer to talk with Sandy. I don't really hang with anybody. I have a few times to hang with my friends but not too much. To buy this truck is going to take sacrifice.
I have learned something in this life this past year. I learned that if you want something, you are going to have to want it and go get it. Yes, God provides my needs but he is not going to put a truck in my lap like that. I'm going to have to work and save the money He gives me to get it. I do my part in honoring Him with my substance, He'll do the rest and He'll get the truck that I need to get to Elkton, Maryland.
Well, thanks for your prayers. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Two Jobs
Well, I have two jobs now. I will be a carpenter's helper and I will continue to work at Stanton's but at night. When the store is closed. I will be there all by myself. Rino, my manager at Stanton's, said he doesn't want my hands getting full of soap and so he said work for me for a couple hours during the night. Not all night. Its more like 7:00pm to 10:00pm. I'll be getting 16 an hour with Rino and 18 an hour as the carpenter's helper. So I will be bringing in the moola.
As the carpenter's helper, I will be working from 8:30 to 5 and sometimes till 6 or 7. So I never know about how much overtime I will be getting. I'll probably work some Saturdays too. If I'm not working Saturdays as the carpenter's helper, I'll work for Rino in the store at night.
I'm trying to work as much as I can and get as much money as I can to buy a truck. The Lord is slowly working it out and well, like everyone else, its not going as fast as I want to be. But thats fine with me, I know the end result, I'm getting a truck!!!
As the carpenter's helper, I will be working from 8:30 to 5 and sometimes till 6 or 7. So I never know about how much overtime I will be getting. I'll probably work some Saturdays too. If I'm not working Saturdays as the carpenter's helper, I'll work for Rino in the store at night.
I'm trying to work as much as I can and get as much money as I can to buy a truck. The Lord is slowly working it out and well, like everyone else, its not going as fast as I want to be. But thats fine with me, I know the end result, I'm getting a truck!!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The Petroleum Show
Well, I'm here at the Petroleum Show of Inuvik. It was fun yesterday. I am representing Stanton's Distributing. I was here last year and it was fun.
To explain this show: It is basically a trades' show. All the different businesses around the arctic and further south. There are a lot of different trades here. From airlines to grocery warehouse stores like Stanton's. I get in for free since I'm in a booth right now and representing Stanton's. Some booths have those fabricated bags and you walk around and you get free stuff. From Pen's to ball caps.
There are are bunch of other little go-nads. For example, I got a toy. Its one of those wooden cubes. There are like 5 to 8 pieces of wood in different shapes and you try to re-build the cube again. Someone one from another booth gave it to me because they said I looked bored. I conquered it in 3 minutes. Well, not exactly three minutes but around there. There are also door prizes and things like that. I don't really participate in those. I just take the pens and hats and fun little toys...I just got a flash drive for free. Someone saw that I had laptop and handed it to me!! Isn't that cool?! I love this show. Its a one gig. Man, that is awesome.
Stanton's booth gives away those chip clips for big bag chips. We also give away oranges, candy, granola bars, and fruit bars. Oh, the most important at this show...free water. We put bottled water on ice. It gets really hot in here and so my booth is the popular one because we hand out free cold water. Some people have called me a Saviour but thats not what I am for those of you who know me.
There is a booth that does popcorn. Popcorn in those machines. I'm smelling it right now and I want some. I'll get some in a little bit. The booth next to me is giving away little beach balls. One booth gave out numbers to hang around your neck and if you found the person that has the same number as you, you would get a ipod...for FREE!!! I never found that person though. Oh well, I don't really have much of a use for an ipod.
A couple booths down, Aklak Canadian Helicopters. They have a prize to give away. It is a little helicoptor. They sell at Wal-Mart of about $90. They're flying them right now. They've been popular when they were flying them. But once they were done flying the little things, people moved on.
I see my dad right now. He's walking around with a bag and probably filling it up with pens and other little things for his office. It says a lot of money on office supplies. They have notepads, day planners, year planners and other stuff like big calenders for the year. My dad just took a couple of granola bars. He said he was hungry.
Alright, I'll let you guys go. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
To explain this show: It is basically a trades' show. All the different businesses around the arctic and further south. There are a lot of different trades here. From airlines to grocery warehouse stores like Stanton's. I get in for free since I'm in a booth right now and representing Stanton's. Some booths have those fabricated bags and you walk around and you get free stuff. From Pen's to ball caps.
There are are bunch of other little go-nads. For example, I got a toy. Its one of those wooden cubes. There are like 5 to 8 pieces of wood in different shapes and you try to re-build the cube again. Someone one from another booth gave it to me because they said I looked bored. I conquered it in 3 minutes. Well, not exactly three minutes but around there. There are also door prizes and things like that. I don't really participate in those. I just take the pens and hats and fun little toys...I just got a flash drive for free. Someone saw that I had laptop and handed it to me!! Isn't that cool?! I love this show. Its a one gig. Man, that is awesome.
Stanton's booth gives away those chip clips for big bag chips. We also give away oranges, candy, granola bars, and fruit bars. Oh, the most important at this show...free water. We put bottled water on ice. It gets really hot in here and so my booth is the popular one because we hand out free cold water. Some people have called me a Saviour but thats not what I am for those of you who know me.
There is a booth that does popcorn. Popcorn in those machines. I'm smelling it right now and I want some. I'll get some in a little bit. The booth next to me is giving away little beach balls. One booth gave out numbers to hang around your neck and if you found the person that has the same number as you, you would get a ipod...for FREE!!! I never found that person though. Oh well, I don't really have much of a use for an ipod.
A couple booths down, Aklak Canadian Helicopters. They have a prize to give away. It is a little helicoptor. They sell at Wal-Mart of about $90. They're flying them right now. They've been popular when they were flying them. But once they were done flying the little things, people moved on.
I see my dad right now. He's walking around with a bag and probably filling it up with pens and other little things for his office. It says a lot of money on office supplies. They have notepads, day planners, year planners and other stuff like big calenders for the year. My dad just took a couple of granola bars. He said he was hungry.
Alright, I'll let you guys go. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
New Job
Well, I'll be probably starting a new job Monday. I'll be a carpenter's helper. It should be fun. I'll gaining new experience. I never really did carpenter's work before. I'm looking forward to it. I believe it pays like $18 an hour! Its awesome. I'm getting like $16 an hour at Stanton's right now. I also get 25% off some of my groceries. Only if I work there though.
After I figure out my hours for my new job. I'm going to get a second job as a dishwasher. Make some extra cash to save up for my truck. I'm still praying for God to open up a door for a truck. There are some options here in town but I'm hoping to get a deal in Whitehorse. It'll be better deals from there.
Ok, signing off. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
After I figure out my hours for my new job. I'm going to get a second job as a dishwasher. Make some extra cash to save up for my truck. I'm still praying for God to open up a door for a truck. There are some options here in town but I'm hoping to get a deal in Whitehorse. It'll be better deals from there.
Ok, signing off. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Gaining Weight
Well, I don't know if I said anything to anybody or said this yet...but just one week after I returned home I gained 10 lbs. I was 150 lbs but now I am 160 lbs and that was only a course of a week. Maybe it is all the good home cooking I've been eating.
Not that I weigh a lot. But I just thought that was interesting to gain 10 lbs in one week. I had trouble tucking in my shirt into my pants today. I never really had that problem before. I don't know, maybe my metabolism is slowing down. I guess I can't stay thin forever.
In a way, I knew I would be gaining weight after a few years into my twenties. This is not a bad thing though. I can use a little more weight. I always found it funny that it seemed everybody was trying to lose weight and I've been trying to gain it. I guess I'm getting my wish but I haven't really gained anymore weight since the second week I've been home. So we will see what happens the rest of the summer.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Not that I weigh a lot. But I just thought that was interesting to gain 10 lbs in one week. I had trouble tucking in my shirt into my pants today. I never really had that problem before. I don't know, maybe my metabolism is slowing down. I guess I can't stay thin forever.
In a way, I knew I would be gaining weight after a few years into my twenties. This is not a bad thing though. I can use a little more weight. I always found it funny that it seemed everybody was trying to lose weight and I've been trying to gain it. I guess I'm getting my wish but I haven't really gained anymore weight since the second week I've been home. So we will see what happens the rest of the summer.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Snow Day!!
Well, I just want to say it snowed today. It wasn't a whole lot but it still snowed on the last day of May. Alrighty, good night. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Big Plans and Huge Decisions
Well, here I am again. I looked at the calender with Pastor and well, I'll be preaching probably a lot this summer filling in. He is leaving near the end of July for a furlough. I will be handling August 3rd morning and evening. I won't be preaching in the church until probably near the middle of June. So I got time to study and pray about maybe a theme the Lord will want me to do.
Its exciting to see everyone being used in the ministry this summer. I've been so busy doing other things I never had time these past couple of days to check out everyone's blogs. I just did some major reading on everyone's blogs. Leah does some posting every now and then. Hers wasn't new tonight. I missed two of Mikey's! He's doing a good job of posting. Anna Davis had a bunch. Sandy had one. Seth has zero since a week before Graduation. Anna Greer had a little one. Its great to see everyone being used though. Praise the Lord. I love this blogging stuff. I feel like I don't really have to call anyone to keep updated. Except for Sandy of course.
I was reflecting a little on the past. For some reason, I don't really remember my second year. Time is fleeing away man. I remember bits and pieces of it but it sort of lost in my mind. Maybe I should look at my yearbook. It'll probably jog my memory. All I remember right now is telling the dentist story at one of the first social parlors. It was a good time. Now that I'm really reflecting, I remember playing frisby. I remember thinking how Anna Davis was really good at throwing the frisby. Anyways, fun year I think. I'll look at my yearbook later.
Anyways, I've been asked by Steven and Holly to drive with them to the states. They're heading for PCC and moving down there for now. They got married last June of 07. But they'll be leaving July 12th. It is a great idea but I am scheduled to handle some services and thats more important right now. So I'll continue to pray and save my money for a truck. Then I'll leave August 4th. And arrive by 11th or 12th to the dorm. I'm looking forward what the Lord is going to do in all of our lives as we face some challenges and take more steps of faith in our walk. Choose the way of truth this summer people. Re-read the verse of the week.
Well, I shall go. Its midnight. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Its exciting to see everyone being used in the ministry this summer. I've been so busy doing other things I never had time these past couple of days to check out everyone's blogs. I just did some major reading on everyone's blogs. Leah does some posting every now and then. Hers wasn't new tonight. I missed two of Mikey's! He's doing a good job of posting. Anna Davis had a bunch. Sandy had one. Seth has zero since a week before Graduation. Anna Greer had a little one. Its great to see everyone being used though. Praise the Lord. I love this blogging stuff. I feel like I don't really have to call anyone to keep updated. Except for Sandy of course.
I was reflecting a little on the past. For some reason, I don't really remember my second year. Time is fleeing away man. I remember bits and pieces of it but it sort of lost in my mind. Maybe I should look at my yearbook. It'll probably jog my memory. All I remember right now is telling the dentist story at one of the first social parlors. It was a good time. Now that I'm really reflecting, I remember playing frisby. I remember thinking how Anna Davis was really good at throwing the frisby. Anyways, fun year I think. I'll look at my yearbook later.
Anyways, I've been asked by Steven and Holly to drive with them to the states. They're heading for PCC and moving down there for now. They got married last June of 07. But they'll be leaving July 12th. It is a great idea but I am scheduled to handle some services and thats more important right now. So I'll continue to pray and save my money for a truck. Then I'll leave August 4th. And arrive by 11th or 12th to the dorm. I'm looking forward what the Lord is going to do in all of our lives as we face some challenges and take more steps of faith in our walk. Choose the way of truth this summer people. Re-read the verse of the week.
Well, I shall go. Its midnight. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
The BIG 5-0....fifty
Well, this is my 50th post people! What can I say? Not too sure yet. Anyways, lets get down to business. I started work yesterday at Stanton's and it was really good. I stayed busy but we let out ten minutes early. Ten minutes is not too bad. Anyways, the janitor thing is not going to work out. Turns out it will be only a 2 week job. So I decided I'm not going to take it. I'll work at Stanton's until further notice.
We had a youth outing last night at Steven Donley's place (Pastor's Son). We had a huge bonfire and man did it sting if you got too close to that fire. It was an excellent illustration to hell. All the young people were complaining on how hot that fire was and it literally could burn you if you got too close. Steven said something that I'm hoping got some of those young people thinking. He said, "If you think this is hot, just think how hot hell is going to be." He also said that the bonfire is just a match compared to hell.
I just renewed my license. It costed me about $87 dollars and fifty cents. Crazy!! The money is going away faster than its coming in. The other day I bought a twelve pack of pop (soda), half a gallon of milk, three 8 packs of granola bars, and coffee cream. It came to a total of about $42!!! I am too used to Wal-Mart.
Well, I shall go. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
We had a youth outing last night at Steven Donley's place (Pastor's Son). We had a huge bonfire and man did it sting if you got too close to that fire. It was an excellent illustration to hell. All the young people were complaining on how hot that fire was and it literally could burn you if you got too close. Steven said something that I'm hoping got some of those young people thinking. He said, "If you think this is hot, just think how hot hell is going to be." He also said that the bonfire is just a match compared to hell.
I just renewed my license. It costed me about $87 dollars and fifty cents. Crazy!! The money is going away faster than its coming in. The other day I bought a twelve pack of pop (soda), half a gallon of milk, three 8 packs of granola bars, and coffee cream. It came to a total of about $42!!! I am too used to Wal-Mart.
Well, I shall go. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Work Related
Hey everybody!
Just letting you know I'll be starting at Stanton's again. I will also be handing out my resume while I'm working there. I'm hoping to get more experience in other lines of work. I am also looking into a janitor position at the Elementry school. It pays really good. The hours are from 3pm to midnight. I might ask the manager of Stanton's if he could let me work for him only from 8am to 1pm. Then from 3pm to midnight work the janitor thing.
I want to do this because I want to buy a truck. So if you can pray about this I would appreciate it. Thanks everybody. It would be a busy schedule but if I want to buy a truck, its going to take some work. Hey, I know God will give me the job that I need to get the truck He has for me to take with me back to school for my Senior Year!!!
Anyways, this is short. I'll let you all go. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Just letting you know I'll be starting at Stanton's again. I will also be handing out my resume while I'm working there. I'm hoping to get more experience in other lines of work. I am also looking into a janitor position at the Elementry school. It pays really good. The hours are from 3pm to midnight. I might ask the manager of Stanton's if he could let me work for him only from 8am to 1pm. Then from 3pm to midnight work the janitor thing.
I want to do this because I want to buy a truck. So if you can pray about this I would appreciate it. Thanks everybody. It would be a busy schedule but if I want to buy a truck, its going to take some work. Hey, I know God will give me the job that I need to get the truck He has for me to take with me back to school for my Senior Year!!!
Anyways, this is short. I'll let you all go. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Busy Busy Busy Even At Home
Well, I'm at home just to announce it again. So far I registered for my funding for school and talked with some old friends of mine from work. One guy is named Ben Burns and the other guy was my manager named Rino (pronounced Reno). I will be talking with him tomorrow sometime about a job. I also told him I will be looking for a different job while working for him. I want to get more experience in other things other than a grocery store.
Now, I'm just killing time. I actually need to be cleaning up my room. My mom told me to but I don't know where exactly where she wants me to put all the little kids toys that have stored in there while I've been gone. My closet is full, other closets in the house are full, and there is no where to put them. So I will wait for my mom to get home.
For those out there who thought I wouldn't be updating my blog, this is for you: I check my email every day, I go on msn messenger every day, I am on at least a couple times during the day, I use the internet every day, this is what I do while I am home. I am never too busy to be on the internet. Unless something terrible has happened to the internet, other than that, I'm on every day. Whether its early in the morning or late at night. I will find time to post on my blog. I will find time because my lap top is set up with my dad's wireless internet.
Now, for those who have my cell phone: I have it with me but it will be turned off. I got a voice mail today, I deleted it because I cannot check it. Well, I cleared it off my counter on my cell phone. It still exists but I need to call a certain number to check it and from here I cannot call that number. I will turn it on once and a while to do things but I am roaming. So please be considerate and don't send me text messages, they cost a fortune when roaming. Don't call me, I'll call you if I have to. Thanks.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Now, I'm just killing time. I actually need to be cleaning up my room. My mom told me to but I don't know where exactly where she wants me to put all the little kids toys that have stored in there while I've been gone. My closet is full, other closets in the house are full, and there is no where to put them. So I will wait for my mom to get home.
For those out there who thought I wouldn't be updating my blog, this is for you: I check my email every day, I go on msn messenger every day, I am on at least a couple times during the day, I use the internet every day, this is what I do while I am home. I am never too busy to be on the internet. Unless something terrible has happened to the internet, other than that, I'm on every day. Whether its early in the morning or late at night. I will find time to post on my blog. I will find time because my lap top is set up with my dad's wireless internet.
Now, for those who have my cell phone: I have it with me but it will be turned off. I got a voice mail today, I deleted it because I cannot check it. Well, I cleared it off my counter on my cell phone. It still exists but I need to call a certain number to check it and from here I cannot call that number. I will turn it on once and a while to do things but I am roaming. So please be considerate and don't send me text messages, they cost a fortune when roaming. Don't call me, I'll call you if I have to. Thanks.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
From the U.S. to Canada and Home Again
Well, I made it people. It was long and boring as usual. I one delay as usual at Toronto. Its always at Toronto. I didn't mind though. I didn't lose my luggage like last time. I was only two hours late getting to Edmonton. I was thinking of going to the mall in Edmonton but it was too much money and I was too tired to do anything.
So I just went to the hotel. Well, I'm actually tired right now. So I need to get going to unpack and get cleaned up and do some things around this house. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
So I just went to the hotel. Well, I'm actually tired right now. So I need to get going to unpack and get cleaned up and do some things around this house. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Busy Busy
I'm busy. Need a lot to get done and little time to do it. Please Pray everybody for the next few days. A lot is going on and going a lot of places and doing things in the dorm to prepare to leave. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Well, here I am once again with news. I completed my final course here at MBBC until the Fall of 08. It was not a final just to let you know because I finished my finals last Wednesday. It was the course Biographies of Great Missionaries. It was our final book report.
The class started out with Mr. Greer saying its finals week and so if you just want to hand in your reports, you can, and you may leave. I said I had no finals and well, everyone else did. We all stayed though. I read my entire book report and the others summed up theirs.
I just got back from Wal-Marts and well I bought just a few things for the up-coming white glove inspection. I also bought another container because I have a lot of stuff to store away. I also bought sticky mouse traps.
I bought those snapping kind but they get away with the peanut butter and the trap is snapped without the mouse. So this sticky stuff works from what I hear. I'm trying to catch them before I leave so I don't have a infested dorm in the fall.
Dr. Hitchen's Retirement party was a blast! I enjoyed it a lot. I got my wish. My wish was to hear the Gospelaires in person. The group was together in the 70s, 80s, and maybe early 90s. I have one of their CDs and it was just great to hear them live. Dr. Hitchens is part of the group. He is an amazing guitar player. It was definitely a highlight in this college year.
Well, I best be going. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
The class started out with Mr. Greer saying its finals week and so if you just want to hand in your reports, you can, and you may leave. I said I had no finals and well, everyone else did. We all stayed though. I read my entire book report and the others summed up theirs.
I just got back from Wal-Marts and well I bought just a few things for the up-coming white glove inspection. I also bought another container because I have a lot of stuff to store away. I also bought sticky mouse traps.
I bought those snapping kind but they get away with the peanut butter and the trap is snapped without the mouse. So this sticky stuff works from what I hear. I'm trying to catch them before I leave so I don't have a infested dorm in the fall.
Dr. Hitchen's Retirement party was a blast! I enjoyed it a lot. I got my wish. My wish was to hear the Gospelaires in person. The group was together in the 70s, 80s, and maybe early 90s. I have one of their CDs and it was just great to hear them live. Dr. Hitchens is part of the group. He is an amazing guitar player. It was definitely a highlight in this college year.
Well, I best be going. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Same Old Same Old
Well, finals has kicked off with Major Prophets and Comparative Religions. Of course the students in Comparative Religions are done already. The students in Major Prophets have a 40 question final that is open Bible. Open Bible is usually tougher though. I forget how many questions we had but it wasn't so bad. I didn't know everything but I studied to the best of my ability. I believed I passed this final.
I have one more final and thats it. That final is Soteriology. The study of Salvation. I'm looking forward to it. I'm not as worried about that one as I was Comparative Religions. I'm also preaching in Chapel today. It seems to always do that, everything falls on one day. Thats how it is I guess. So I need to go and study for my message and look over my outline and study for my last final until the Fall Semester.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
I have one more final and thats it. That final is Soteriology. The study of Salvation. I'm looking forward to it. I'm not as worried about that one as I was Comparative Religions. I'm also preaching in Chapel today. It seems to always do that, everything falls on one day. Thats how it is I guess. So I need to go and study for my message and look over my outline and study for my last final until the Fall Semester.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, May 5, 2008
This Is It
Well, here I am again. My first day of finals is this Wednesday. My last day of finals is this Wednesday. Don't ask me how I did it but I did. I'm looking forward to it. I'm also preaching this Wednesday too. I need to get going on my message for this Wednesday. It will be my last message until the Fall Semester.
Anyways, update time. The recital went well. I messed up but people said I covered it up well. I was thankful for that. I didn't play it perfect but I made it through. I enjoyed it very much though. Everyone else did a fine job as well. Some better than others and some worst that others.
The Junior Church Activity was a lot of fun. The children had a great time. We sang, played games, ate hotdogs, and played more games. It was a fun time with Junior Church Children.
Paintball was awesome. I'm glad we were able to go. Everyone had a great time doing it. I needed a good time out of the dorm. I've been living in there since August. Anything away from the dorm is an approval on my list.
Looking forward to be going home. I'll be home the 20th of this month. I'm looking forward to it. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Anyways, update time. The recital went well. I messed up but people said I covered it up well. I was thankful for that. I didn't play it perfect but I made it through. I enjoyed it very much though. Everyone else did a fine job as well. Some better than others and some worst that others.
The Junior Church Activity was a lot of fun. The children had a great time. We sang, played games, ate hotdogs, and played more games. It was a fun time with Junior Church Children.
Paintball was awesome. I'm glad we were able to go. Everyone had a great time doing it. I needed a good time out of the dorm. I've been living in there since August. Anything away from the dorm is an approval on my list.
Looking forward to be going home. I'll be home the 20th of this month. I'm looking forward to it. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Thank-You and thats the way the cookie crumbles
Well, I would like just to say thanks to everybody that prayed for this recital that will be taking place tonight. I have my piece memorized and I am currently at the moment playing it correctly. Hopefully I can keep it that way until tonight. We have rehearsal this afternoon. Hopefully I don't blow it then.
Its going to be a busy weekend. Friday, which is today, is kicked off with recital, Saturday is the Junior Church activity. I will be heading up an activity game for them that day. Than a couple hours after that is over, Isaiah, Mikey, and I are going to the Crews' place (Mr. Crews is a deacon of the church) for paintballing. That will be from 4 to 9:30pm. It is going to be a lot of fun. I've been looking forward to it.
Well, I've got nothing else to do but to practice for the recital tonight. I should do fine. It always seems though I get my piece corrected the day of and a few alterations are made. Oh well, I guess that is the way the cookie crumbles I guess.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Its going to be a busy weekend. Friday, which is today, is kicked off with recital, Saturday is the Junior Church activity. I will be heading up an activity game for them that day. Than a couple hours after that is over, Isaiah, Mikey, and I are going to the Crews' place (Mr. Crews is a deacon of the church) for paintballing. That will be from 4 to 9:30pm. It is going to be a lot of fun. I've been looking forward to it.
Well, I've got nothing else to do but to practice for the recital tonight. I should do fine. It always seems though I get my piece corrected the day of and a few alterations are made. Oh well, I guess that is the way the cookie crumbles I guess.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, April 28, 2008
The Final Stretch
Well, I think I am at the last 200m of the race. This is where I push myself to the finish line whether its going to hurt or not. Running a long distance race is hard work and there is a lot of training before the race...Now that I'm thinking about it...I have been training and have not been in a race. I'll be leaving college and this place for the summer to go home in May. This is where we are put to the test.
Its easy being a holy and righteous Christian here in college. But will we act the way we act around here back home? To make the application it says this in Luke 18:8, "I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
If you think about it, it is almost like a statement and not a question. Will the Lord find us faithful when we, the college students of MBBC, leave for home where it is so easy to fall into sin of laziness, not studying, not witnessing...will He find us faithful? Is that a statement or is that a question?
May we finish our training here strong and run the race out in the real world strong and finish the race strong. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Its easy being a holy and righteous Christian here in college. But will we act the way we act around here back home? To make the application it says this in Luke 18:8, "I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
If you think about it, it is almost like a statement and not a question. Will the Lord find us faithful when we, the college students of MBBC, leave for home where it is so easy to fall into sin of laziness, not studying, not witnessing...will He find us faithful? Is that a statement or is that a question?
May we finish our training here strong and run the race out in the real world strong and finish the race strong. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Prayer Request
Hey everybody!! Just wanted to ask everyone to pray for the Spring Recital. I'll be playing in it and my piece is kinda hard. We have to have the piece memorized. Well, I have one part of it memorized and its next Friday!!!!!
The whole Recital is a Mozart theme. I'll be playing 18th Century Garden (Sonata in C) along with Come Thou Fount as my hymn. I have the Mozart piece memorized and part of Come Thou Fount memorized. The conclusion is weird, I think I'm butchering it though. I'm enjoying it though. If I play my piece everyday until next Friday, I'll have it memorized.
Like I said, I have most of it memorized but please pray that I'll do my best and honor the Lord with this piece. I'd appreciate it. Thanks. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
p.s. Ducks Rule!!!
The whole Recital is a Mozart theme. I'll be playing 18th Century Garden (Sonata in C) along with Come Thou Fount as my hymn. I have the Mozart piece memorized and part of Come Thou Fount memorized. The conclusion is weird, I think I'm butchering it though. I'm enjoying it though. If I play my piece everyday until next Friday, I'll have it memorized.
Like I said, I have most of it memorized but please pray that I'll do my best and honor the Lord with this piece. I'd appreciate it. Thanks. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
p.s. Ducks Rule!!!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Holy Crusted Metal Batman!!
Hey!! Well, what do ya think of my title? I couldn't think of anything and that is what came to my mind. It'll grab peoples' attention. Well, I've started on my last paper of this year. It is a thousand word paper. It is for the class Comparative Religions. I'll be writing on Sikhism. It started in India and that is all about what I know so far.
I'll know more this afternoon after I'm done with this post. The guys are planning on going to Cabella's the 14th of May. Hopefully, our dean of men will allow us to. He is thinking about it right now. We want to go the day of White Glove. We would be able to finish the night before, talking about our white glove jobs, we can get them done the night before and than just do touch ups on our jobs and than head to Cabella's. We're not allowed to be in the dorm during white glove inspection because a lady of the church will be inspecting.
I only have one more book to read for Biographies of Great Missionaries. I've read 4 books and so I'm enjoyed them all so far. My last will be about David Livingstone. I've read about George Muller, The Three Mrs. Judsons, William Carey, and Hudson Taylor. George Muller was good but the chapters were too long and so I couldn't concentrate as good. Three Mrs. Judsons was good, chapters were short and so I understood what I was reading. William Carey was not inspiring at all, at least the book wasn't. Hudson Taylor was an excellent read, I enjoyed it a lot. Hopefully, David Livingstone works out.
Anyways, for His purpose, Shane Gordon.
I'll know more this afternoon after I'm done with this post. The guys are planning on going to Cabella's the 14th of May. Hopefully, our dean of men will allow us to. He is thinking about it right now. We want to go the day of White Glove. We would be able to finish the night before, talking about our white glove jobs, we can get them done the night before and than just do touch ups on our jobs and than head to Cabella's. We're not allowed to be in the dorm during white glove inspection because a lady of the church will be inspecting.
I only have one more book to read for Biographies of Great Missionaries. I've read 4 books and so I'm enjoyed them all so far. My last will be about David Livingstone. I've read about George Muller, The Three Mrs. Judsons, William Carey, and Hudson Taylor. George Muller was good but the chapters were too long and so I couldn't concentrate as good. Three Mrs. Judsons was good, chapters were short and so I understood what I was reading. William Carey was not inspiring at all, at least the book wasn't. Hudson Taylor was an excellent read, I enjoyed it a lot. Hopefully, David Livingstone works out.
Anyways, for His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Boo Ya!!
Well, the weekend has officially begun...well...for me that is. Some students still have classes today. I would like to say that I have never had a class on Friday ever since I've been here. My very first semester I never had a class on Friday and I liked it so much that in the next semester I avoided a class on Friday. So far it has been a tradition. But my tradition might come to an end this coming fall semester. The way classes are going to fall this Fall but you just never know. I might get lucky and not have a class on Friday.
We are headed for Shady Maple this afternoon. I'm looking forward to it. Well, I better go. I need to get my dorm job done and do some reading before head for Shady Maple. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
We are headed for Shady Maple this afternoon. I'm looking forward to it. Well, I better go. I need to get my dorm job done and do some reading before head for Shady Maple. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, April 14, 2008
On To Victory!!!
Hey!! Well, this is it. All the projects seem to be within the same couple of weeks. Than after they're pretty much done, its finals time. I'm not too worried about the finals because I won't be having a final in Expository preaching because I am carrying an "A+" and so I will be having two finals a week and a day before graduation. Therefore, I will not have any finals the week of graduation!!! Why, you ask?
I have had two seminars and seminars are one week classes. That makes 4 credits. I have piano and that makes one credit. I have Biographies of great Missionaries and there are no midterms or finals in that class. There is only reading books and doing book reports on them. That makes 3 credits from that. Than my Wednesday classes, Comparative Religions and Soteriology. Together, those make 5 credits. Expository is two credits. All together is 15 credits.
Finals start a week a day before graduation. Which is Wednesday. I only have one day of finals. The Lord is truly good to me. I only need 27 credits to graduate after this semester. So I will begin to start planning out my senior year this summer once I get the classes that will be offered next semester.
Well, better get going. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
I have had two seminars and seminars are one week classes. That makes 4 credits. I have piano and that makes one credit. I have Biographies of great Missionaries and there are no midterms or finals in that class. There is only reading books and doing book reports on them. That makes 3 credits from that. Than my Wednesday classes, Comparative Religions and Soteriology. Together, those make 5 credits. Expository is two credits. All together is 15 credits.
Finals start a week a day before graduation. Which is Wednesday. I only have one day of finals. The Lord is truly good to me. I only need 27 credits to graduate after this semester. So I will begin to start planning out my senior year this summer once I get the classes that will be offered next semester.
Well, better get going. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Well, the module is over and all I have to is put my notes into my syllabus and hand it in to Dr. Straughan. Not much is happening. Just hanging in there until the end. Projects are slowly coming off my project list to be done. Thats what I love about making a projects to be done list. I scratch off a project every time I finish one and I become less stressed every time I scratch one off because it looks like its getting easier as I go along in this Spring Semester.
Anyways, I'm going to go. I know its short but thats the way it is down here. School, eat, sleep, play basketball, and do it all over again. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Anyways, I'm going to go. I know its short but thats the way it is down here. School, eat, sleep, play basketball, and do it all over again. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Back to the Ol' Grindstone
Hey! I have a few moments here to type up a storm. Just for little bit thought, then I have to go to class. I certainly enjoyed my break in Tennessee. Like always, I have delays with flights no matter how long or how short the trip will be. They always end up being 12 hour days traveling from airport to airport.
Yup, back to the Ol' Grindstone as the title says. We are back from break and this is where the rubber meets the road man. I was supposed to have a midterm today but our teacher last night had an emergency trip to the emergency room. Something to do with his esophagus(his throat).
Anyways, I also have a module this week with the renowned Dr. Forney. Anyways, wish I can write more. Gotta go. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Yup, back to the Ol' Grindstone as the title says. We are back from break and this is where the rubber meets the road man. I was supposed to have a midterm today but our teacher last night had an emergency trip to the emergency room. Something to do with his esophagus(his throat).
Anyways, I also have a module this week with the renowned Dr. Forney. Anyways, wish I can write more. Gotta go. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Well, here I am in Tenneessee!! I'm loving it so far. I was able to come to the library with Jared Rowe. I enjoy having fellowship with him and his brother Grady. We always have good Bible fellowship together.
The country is beautiful here. The hills look like they go on forever. I once again forgot to bring my camera with me when we leave their house. Anyways, I don't have much time. So this will be short. The next time I will pr0bably post is next week when I'm back at school but now that I'm thinking about it, it might not be until two weeks. Because as soon as we get back, I'm in a seminar. A seminar is a week long class every afternoon.
Anyways, best be going. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
The country is beautiful here. The hills look like they go on forever. I once again forgot to bring my camera with me when we leave their house. Anyways, I don't have much time. So this will be short. The next time I will pr0bably post is next week when I'm back at school but now that I'm thinking about it, it might not be until two weeks. Because as soon as we get back, I'm in a seminar. A seminar is a week long class every afternoon.
Anyways, best be going. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
The Beginning of the End
The final day has come at last. Well, not the final day of the world but of Bible Conference/College Days. I really enjoyed this week. There were a lot of good challenges from the Word of God. I love J.B. Collin's messages. They are always centered around Christ and His power. I love how Chuck Cofty holds your attention and how that he preaches for us and not to us. I love how Bill Beherens tells his stories and it makes the Bible come more alive to you.
I love God most of all for His mercy and grace. I love how He shows us what is wrong with us and gives a chance to confess and forsake our sin. I love how He sent His only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to die especially for me. I love how He shed His B L O O D on the cross to cover our sins and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness. I love how His mercy endures forever. I love how His grace is sufficient for me. I love how He is in control and knows what is ahead. I love how He can love me the chiefest of sinners. This is my favorite, I love how He saved me and I'll never forget it. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
I love God most of all for His mercy and grace. I love how He shows us what is wrong with us and gives a chance to confess and forsake our sin. I love how He sent His only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to die especially for me. I love how He shed His B L O O D on the cross to cover our sins and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness. I love how His mercy endures forever. I love how His grace is sufficient for me. I love how He is in control and knows what is ahead. I love how He can love me the chiefest of sinners. This is my favorite, I love how He saved me and I'll never forget it. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Here We Go!!
May the LORD bless this week and have mercy on us. We are heading into Bible Conference/College days. The visitors are coming one by one. We've been praying that God will bless this week and bless our visitors. I'm looking forward to it. I enjoy it every year and it is good to see God is leading new students to us. I pray for the future of this college. I pray that God will continue to bless this college for its stand.
I'm glad that my God is unchanging and that He is unable to change. I'm glad that I can come to Him and cast all my cares upon Him. I'm glad that He is always around, ready, and willing to listen. He is my God and He is my Father.
Alrighty, I'll talk to you later. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
I'm glad that my God is unchanging and that He is unable to change. I'm glad that I can come to Him and cast all my cares upon Him. I'm glad that He is always around, ready, and willing to listen. He is my God and He is my Father.
Alrighty, I'll talk to you later. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
White Glove and College Days
The days are counting down to white glove and college days. White glove inspection is tomorrow and the inspector is going to be a lady from the church. Our Dean of Men asked a lady to inspect the jobs. I guess a mother/wife will be a little tougher on us I guess. Ladies tend to pay more attention to detail too. I have the job of cleaning the North Side bathroom of the dorm. No one has been using that side and it shouldn't too hard to clean that bathroom. I am the upper classman and I got to choose which jobs to sign up for first. So I chose the job that probably will take a while but at the same time not hard because it won't be as dirty as the South Side. Ha ha ha.
College days is coming!!!! I'm looking forward to it and not looking forward to it. It is during Bible Conference and so there will be great preaching going on. If you can't make it, you can tune in on the web at www.mbcmin.org and then click on the W.O.E.L logo and the radio should turn on. The services start at 7:00pm each evening with two speakers. The Conference will start the 17th. This coming Monday. Until then, tune in next time. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
College days is coming!!!! I'm looking forward to it and not looking forward to it. It is during Bible Conference and so there will be great preaching going on. If you can't make it, you can tune in on the web at www.mbcmin.org and then click on the W.O.E.L logo and the radio should turn on. The services start at 7:00pm each evening with two speakers. The Conference will start the 17th. This coming Monday. Until then, tune in next time. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Hey everybody. I'm enjoying life like I always am. Nothing really going on. I've been just looking forward to Spring Break coming up. I'll be heading to Tennessee to visit the Rowe Family. Mr. Rowe taught one class and God moved him on somewhere else. I get along with Grady, Jared, and Luke mostly. We have challenged each other with the Bible a lot. I'm looking forward to those Bible fellowships we always have after church. I'm also looking forward to seeing Tennessee.
Another State added on to my list of states I have visited. I've been to Florida, California, North and South Carolina, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, and Alaska. Yup, thats all of them. I would like to visit Ohio someday. I've been through Ohio but not visited.
Well, I'm going to go now. Talk again soon. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Another State added on to my list of states I have visited. I've been to Florida, California, North and South Carolina, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, and Alaska. Yup, thats all of them. I would like to visit Ohio someday. I've been through Ohio but not visited.
Well, I'm going to go now. Talk again soon. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Friday, March 7, 2008
I hope it does not rain
The weather forecast is calling for rain and today we are supposed to be going paintballing. I can't stand that. It better not rain because I haven't gone paintballing for a while and we have a visitor all the way from PA to come paintballing. Its cloudy, a bit chilly, and I can see my breathe. So right now its not looking good. I've been praying throughout the week and today that it won't rain. I really want to go. Patience is certainly a virtue.
I have a piano lesson today. I got my three hours in...in three days. Yeah, half hour on Sunday, two hours yesterday, and a half hour today. I really need to spread it out a little more. Mrs. Dow is not going to be pleased. Oh well, she will get over it like she always does. I always make a goal to spread out my practice time but I never pull through. I always pull through to get my practice time in but never spread out. I did spread it out one time. It was my first semester of piano lessons. It was my very last week of practice. Every week during that semester was in three days.
I'm preaching today in Pastor's Fellowship. I'm looking forward to it. I shouldn't of eaten breakfast. I feel very heavy right now and it effects how I preach. I have a high metabolism so hopefully by time its time for me to preach, I'll have most of my food digested. Anyways, I best be going now. Piano lesson in a matter of minutes. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
I have a piano lesson today. I got my three hours in...in three days. Yeah, half hour on Sunday, two hours yesterday, and a half hour today. I really need to spread it out a little more. Mrs. Dow is not going to be pleased. Oh well, she will get over it like she always does. I always make a goal to spread out my practice time but I never pull through. I always pull through to get my practice time in but never spread out. I did spread it out one time. It was my first semester of piano lessons. It was my very last week of practice. Every week during that semester was in three days.
I'm preaching today in Pastor's Fellowship. I'm looking forward to it. I shouldn't of eaten breakfast. I feel very heavy right now and it effects how I preach. I have a high metabolism so hopefully by time its time for me to preach, I'll have most of my food digested. Anyways, I best be going now. Piano lesson in a matter of minutes. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Here we go again!!
Alrighty then! Hey everybody. I'm just enjoying life here down in college. I finished my book report last night for the counseling class that is due tomorrow. I have it handed in and everything. So I'm good to go on that. I am preaching in Pastor's fellowship tomorrow and I'm not there to try to impress them, the Lord just wants me to give them a simple reminder of their eternal security in Jesus Christ our Saviour. I have called it "That Ye May Know". I will be looking it over some tonight...now that I'm thinking of it, I need to revise it in the beginning. I need to once again add another verse.
I believe there is a threefold witness of security. There are a couple more but I will be just covering three of them. There is the witness of the Scriptures. There is the witness of an internal confirmation. Finally, there is the witness of an external evidence. In short, the Scriptures were given by God so we can know, the Holy Spirit that indwells us confirms to us that we know, and a true born again believer will be characterized by right living and by their life of obedience, we know. A threefold witness of security. All three are given so that ye may know.
It is a blessing to KNOW that I am saved and on my way to heaven!!! Praise the Lord!!!! For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
I believe there is a threefold witness of security. There are a couple more but I will be just covering three of them. There is the witness of the Scriptures. There is the witness of an internal confirmation. Finally, there is the witness of an external evidence. In short, the Scriptures were given by God so we can know, the Holy Spirit that indwells us confirms to us that we know, and a true born again believer will be characterized by right living and by their life of obedience, we know. A threefold witness of security. All three are given so that ye may know.
It is a blessing to KNOW that I am saved and on my way to heaven!!! Praise the Lord!!!! For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
I have a book report due tomorrow and well I just finished the book today. I started reading it yesterday pretty much. All I have to do now is type a bunch of questions and answer them and then give my opinion of the book. I am going to be a lemon if you know what I mean. I didn't really like the opening statement of the book. I understand what they are saying but it doesn't really sum up what the author is trying to convey.
Not much of anything is happening this week. I think everybody is really looking forward to College days/Bible Conference and not really looking forward to it too. Then it is spring break after that week. I'm glad. I'm actually going to Tennessee for that week. I really need to get out of the dorm and take a break from this place entirely. Elkton is really boring. Its almost the same as Inuvik, there is nothing to do here. At least in Inuvik I can be creative, but here, I'm in Bible College and so my creativity is limited.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Not much of anything is happening this week. I think everybody is really looking forward to College days/Bible Conference and not really looking forward to it too. Then it is spring break after that week. I'm glad. I'm actually going to Tennessee for that week. I really need to get out of the dorm and take a break from this place entirely. Elkton is really boring. Its almost the same as Inuvik, there is nothing to do here. At least in Inuvik I can be creative, but here, I'm in Bible College and so my creativity is limited.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Friday, February 29, 2008
There and Back Again
Well, here I am again with another post. Today was kinda hard to get up. I was up until midnight reading. I have a final today for the seminar I took last week. So this morning I will be reviewing my notes and verses that I need to have memorized by 1:30pm. I'm looking forward to it.
College days is in a couple of weeks. We were hoping to go bowling for an activity on one of the afternoons but the one bowling alley here only has open bowling at night when there are no leagues. Therefore, we can't go because we have church services that evening. College days is also during Bible Conference. We found another bowling alley but it had a bar connected to it. It had a great price too for group rates. Oh well, we still have an activity planned so our teenaged visitors won't be sitting all the time and not use any of their energy. I don't have to want to deal with antzy teenagers in the dorm that need to use up energy.
Well, I will talk again soon. I need to get ready to head over to my piano lesson. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
College days is in a couple of weeks. We were hoping to go bowling for an activity on one of the afternoons but the one bowling alley here only has open bowling at night when there are no leagues. Therefore, we can't go because we have church services that evening. College days is also during Bible Conference. We found another bowling alley but it had a bar connected to it. It had a great price too for group rates. Oh well, we still have an activity planned so our teenaged visitors won't be sitting all the time and not use any of their energy. I don't have to want to deal with antzy teenagers in the dorm that need to use up energy.
Well, I will talk again soon. I need to get ready to head over to my piano lesson. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Almost to the Top
Well, we are only a couple of weeks away from the top of the mountain. Then it is all down hill from there. I have major reading to get done. I'll be spending the majority of my day reading in the library most likely. I got some done this morning but nearly not as much as I wanted to.
I was in the library and well there were a couple of set of lights that were pretty much out. I knew where the new lights were and so I changed those for the librarian. For some reason the lights were easier coming off than putting back on. I got them on though and by the time I got them on it was lunch time.
That is what I don't like down here. I live by the clock. I need to be here at this time, I have to eat at this time, etc...Oh to be living on my own. That is what I rather be doing but the Lord has me here at this time in my life to teach me something and so I'll do my best to be content.
I've been preparing a message entitled, "That Ye May Know", I like the way it is going. I need to once again revise it. I thought of more ideas and so I'll probably do that tonight. I also need to get one hour of piano practice in today. Hopefully I'll be able to balance everything out with what I need to get done in this week and the next week.
Thank God for His precious Son Jesus!! Nothing cannot take away the joy of eternal life through the LORD Jesus Christ!! For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Well, we are only a couple of weeks away from the top of the mountain. Then it is all down hill from there. I have major reading to get done. I'll be spending the majority of my day reading in the library most likely. I got some done this morning but nearly not as much as I wanted to.
I was in the library and well there were a couple of set of lights that were pretty much out. I knew where the new lights were and so I changed those for the librarian. For some reason the lights were easier coming off than putting back on. I got them on though and by the time I got them on it was lunch time.
That is what I don't like down here. I live by the clock. I need to be here at this time, I have to eat at this time, etc...Oh to be living on my own. That is what I rather be doing but the Lord has me here at this time in my life to teach me something and so I'll do my best to be content.
I've been preparing a message entitled, "That Ye May Know", I like the way it is going. I need to once again revise it. I thought of more ideas and so I'll probably do that tonight. I also need to get one hour of piano practice in today. Hopefully I'll be able to balance everything out with what I need to get done in this week and the next week.
Thank God for His precious Son Jesus!! Nothing cannot take away the joy of eternal life through the LORD Jesus Christ!! For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
How Original
Hey everybody!! It is module week and I have time to do some typing here. The module is awesome. I enjoyed every minute of it. Today is the very first quiz of the module. So I'm not going to stay on here much longer. Oh, the module class is called Introduction to Biblical Counseling. A Pastor from PA is teaching the class. His name is Keith Sweitzer. He is an awesome guy. He took us all the students out for supper last night. We went to Friendly's. I should of ordered the steak instead of chicken strips. It was still good though. I made highlights in the class notes already so I'm not too worried about the quiz. But I should go and re-read the highlights. Good talking. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I know
Hey just wanted to let you guys know it is marvelous to be saved, born again, and washed in the b l o o d of Jesus Christ. There is nothing like being saved. The world cannot compare to it. The world has nothing to offer that is better. The great thing about it is that I know that I'm saved. I'm glad I don't have to worry about messing up because God has forgiven me of my sins for all eternity. I'm not worried about losing my salvation. I'm not going to worry about losing my salvation. I'm not going to lose my salvation. I'm secure in Christ and Christ is in me.
I don't have a religion, I have a relationship with the King of kings and LORD of lords. If I had a religion I would not be as secure as I am. I'm dependent upon Christ and only Christ. I John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
I don't have a religion, I have a relationship with the King of kings and LORD of lords. If I had a religion I would not be as secure as I am. I'm dependent upon Christ and only Christ. I John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Welcome to my World
Well, things are going well. There is a peace in my heart that has come there to stay. When you follow the Lord, the peace of God rules in your heart. I really enjoyed the verse I posted. Hebrews 3:13. Man that verse hit me like a ton of bricks. I hadn't had a verse hit me like that for a while. I thank God for it. God is still working.
Please pray for Justin Carrow. He transfered from Crown College in Tennessee. He had his appendix removed two weeks before school started here. He played volleyball and well that didn't help him at all. So now he will be only be participating in the seminars. Which are one week classes. I really liked him even though I only knew him for a day. He has a heart for God and I'm looking forward to getting to know him in the fall semester.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Please pray for Justin Carrow. He transfered from Crown College in Tennessee. He had his appendix removed two weeks before school started here. He played volleyball and well that didn't help him at all. So now he will be only be participating in the seminars. Which are one week classes. I really liked him even though I only knew him for a day. He has a heart for God and I'm looking forward to getting to know him in the fall semester.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Decision Made
The Lord has made the decision clear. All it requires now is action. It is going to be tough to do. But there are decisions that have to be made even when you don't like it. There are things that you don't want to do but need to be done. I wish I can make things the way I want them to be but it does not work that way. It is following God no matter what the cost. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Well, this is just a post. Not much to say but God is in control and I just to need to cast all my care upon Him because He cares for me. There is no need to get all frantic about situations in our lives. Is there anything too hard for the Lord? The Lord has been encouraging me with His Word. Mr. Cruise gave an excellent little devotion at basketball that God got a hold of my heart. Then, a little devotion John Kriebel gave on Philippians 4:19. That verse is a great promise. I need claim that promise. Keep praying, haven't made a decision yet but God is working in a mysterious way. It will be clear when I make a decision. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Please be praying. I'm really confused on a situation in my life right now. I'm not sure what to do with the whole thing. I'm being pulled in multiple directions and God is not the author of confusion. I want His decision for me to be plain as black and white. What I mean is that there will be no questions asked when I make a decision about it. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Its February!!!
Can you believe it!!? Its already February!! These two weeks seem like it has been nothing. School projects are piling up and time is running out. What I like about the spring semester is that it is really fast pace and its over. But, there always seems to be this thing called, "Homework" that gets in the way of enjoying all the events that goes on.
Well, today is my first time for a piano lesson for the semester. Just another thing to add on to my list of things to do. I like that one little extra credit but it adds a lot to the work load that I do have. Last semester it was trying to juggle getting practice time for song leading and piano practice in. This semester, its a lot of reading and piano practice.
I realized yesterday I am quite a fast typer. I was typing out of a book and I was reading the letters as I typed. I have the keyboard memorized. I also realized that if I can read music notes just as fast I read letters, I could probably become this awesome piano player. So that will be my goal for this semester for piano, to read music notes just as fast I can read letters and know the piano keys really well. Alrighty, for His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Well, today is my first time for a piano lesson for the semester. Just another thing to add on to my list of things to do. I like that one little extra credit but it adds a lot to the work load that I do have. Last semester it was trying to juggle getting practice time for song leading and piano practice in. This semester, its a lot of reading and piano practice.
I realized yesterday I am quite a fast typer. I was typing out of a book and I was reading the letters as I typed. I have the keyboard memorized. I also realized that if I can read music notes just as fast I read letters, I could probably become this awesome piano player. So that will be my goal for this semester for piano, to read music notes just as fast I can read letters and know the piano keys really well. Alrighty, for His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
What else is new?
Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, what else is new? It just seems like everything is going great and then the devil puts his foot in the door. It never fails. So when things are going great, watch out! You just don't know when the devil will strike. When things are going quite well, have in your mind that the devil is up to something and it is the same old thing every time. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Singing I Go
The Lord is so good. There are times where it just seems like nothing is going your way but God still gives a song. He has kept me singing through many things that I have not liked. Even when we do give up, God is still faithful.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Relaxing so far today
Hey everybody!! Today is a little more relaxing but I have done some reading. I'm just taking a quick break and I'll be hitting the books again(not literally but figuratively). Today was kinda funny here in the computer room. I was talking with Brenda and Maggie. Maggie was trying to remember an author that wrote "Christian" books. It had something to do with the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Anyways, when she said, the author wrote books for Christians but the books were not Christian, I said out loud, "David Cloud". Dr. Straughan gave me this look and shook his head. It was funny.
I also bought a book shelf from Staples. It is awesome. My other bookshelf is not overflowing books now. It is that type of book shelf that if you buy another one, you can put it on top the other bookshelf. So really, I have, sort of, half of a big bookshelf. But it goes great with my desk and it fits perfectly in between my desk and my closet. It looks like it was practically made for me. Anyways, For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
I also bought a book shelf from Staples. It is awesome. My other bookshelf is not overflowing books now. It is that type of book shelf that if you buy another one, you can put it on top the other bookshelf. So really, I have, sort of, half of a big bookshelf. But it goes great with my desk and it fits perfectly in between my desk and my closet. It looks like it was practically made for me. Anyways, For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Busy and time is flying
Man, time is flying. I just realized the time and it is almost lunch time. I wanted to sit down and do some stuff and so I did other stuff before I did the other stuff and now it seems like I won't be getting to those stuff. I said I would be playing football with the guys after lunch and by the time we're done with that I'll be cleaned up and ready to go to supper. Than it is basically study hours after that. Then devotion time and then its back to bed. Living by the clock down here is not my way of living. I wish I could live according to my schedule that I want but I'm here under college rules and a duty to perform as dorm monitor. Responsibility and balance with how I use my time. I got somewhat of what I wanted to get done. God is still on the throne and under control. Question, what are you doing with your time? For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Missions Conference
So far the missions conference has been a tremendous blessing. I have liked all the messages so far. I believe the Lord is guiding each missionary with His divine power to give us the messages we need to hear. I noticed a little theme going on. It has been about working and staying busy. I'll be honest, there are a lot of us that are not busy for the Lord and the Lord is trying to get our attention. My question is this: What are YOU doing about it?
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Well, not much to say. I know I haven't posted anything since Monday but its not like its forever. Only two whole days. I've been really busy today. I woke up 5:30am, did my personal stuff. Inspected some dorm jobs, went to breakfast. Inspected more dorm jobs after breakfast. Went to the college to set up my laptop for class. I had two classes today. Comparative Religions and Soteriology. Then after those I went to lunch and then I went to the dorm to prepare for my weekly meeting with my dean of men as dorm monitor. We went over a lot. Then we both went to see Mrs. Hitchens about bed stuff for the missionary staying in there Thursday night. So we got the things we needed and then I made the bed for him. I will be cleaning the showers tonight. I cleaned everything else last week. Now, I'm updating this site for your personal benefit. Anyways, I want to go and read my missionary book down in the library. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Classes Begin
Today I have Biographies of Great Missionaries. This class only meets once every 3 weeks. So that doesn't tie me down. I am looking forward to all the reading. I have to read five books and then I hand in a book report. So that will probably take up most of my time as for homework. Every other class is the basic paper or reading. It is still like last semester, there is a lot of reading. Its good for me though. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Friday, January 18, 2008
They're coming!!
So far we have only one guy show up to register. He is from Delaware. His name is Justin Caroll. He transfered from Crown in Tennessee. He is moved into the dorm but won't be coming back until Sunday Night. There should be other guys coming today hopefully. The rest will probably show up tomorrow. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
I'm registered
Well, today I registered for college. I am taking 15 credits. It looks like I'll have a lot of reading to do. Not worried about projects. They always seem to get done and I do fairly well. If I fall behind in reading, its really hard to catch up. I have like 3 days off. I have one class Monday from 8:40-10:15. Tuesday off, Wednesday I have classes from 7:50 am all the way to 12:30. Wednesday is my only full day. I have Thursday off and I also have Friday off. Ever since I started college, I have never had a class on Friday. After this semester, I have only two more semesters. So I'm hoping that my streak won't end. Anyways, for His purpose, Shane Gordon.
My Last Day
Today is my last day on the radio. I am looking forward to finishing up. One other College student showed up today. She is Anna Davis. She is the girls dorm monitor. Other students will be coming tomorrow. So I will be getting up a little early to do some quick cleaning and touch ups to make the guys' dorm look half decent. I'm looking forward to having some people around the dorm. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
My tooth is fixed
Well, the dentist trip didn't last too long. I think it was less than an hour or even 45 minutes. The dentist is a Christian man and so he didn't charge me anything. So praise the Lord for that. He said it might get infected. So please pray that it won't get infected. If it gets infected, I probably have to get it pulled or a root canal and those are quite expensive. So I'm hoping and praying that my tooth won't get infected. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, January 14, 2008
I'm Back
Hey everybody. I got back today(Monday) from the Flegals in Chads Ford, PA. I enjoyed my weekend there. It was a much needed break from the dorm. I love the family, they are very kind and they are a family that is hard not to like. Its kinda funny though, when I went there near Thanksgiving, I helped Mr. Flegal haul wood. Then when I went there this time, he took me to work with him Saturday. Then Monday I worked all day with him. So I told myself, the next time I go there, I'm going to bring my work clothes. It was good for me though. Sitting 8 hours in a little room working a radio isn't exactly work. I needed that physical activity. Well, I am in my last week of working the radio and the last week of the CHRISTmas break. I'm looking forward to seeing everybody again. I don't think anybody is coming Friday but maybe they will. Everybody probably will show up Saturday. I'm looking forward to it. Anyways, God gave me a verse before I went to work for Mr. Flegal today. Its in Proverbs. Proverbs 14:23 In all labour there is profit: but the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury. I laboured today and certainly there was profit. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Dentist Trip
I went to the dentist this morning. Had X-rays done and well the dentist said that it looks like we can save my tooth. So I will be going back in Tuesday morning to get it cleaned out and filled in. So Tuesday should remind me of the Bill Cosby's dentist story. I enjoy going to the dentist, helps keep your teeth clean. I think I will continue to go to the dentist down here when I am here. Just for cleaning or checkups. I will go again back home to do the same. Well, see ya. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Away for the Weekend
Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment in the morning and then 5 0r 6pm I'll be leaving for Chadsford, PA. I will be visiting the Flegals.
I need a break from the dorm. I have viewed the dorm differently this year. I view it differently because I'm the dorm monitor. There are a lot headaches with the job but the Lord's grace is sufficient. He has kept me singing and a smile on my face. Praise the Lord!!! For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
I need a break from the dorm. I have viewed the dorm differently this year. I view it differently because I'm the dorm monitor. There are a lot headaches with the job but the Lord's grace is sufficient. He has kept me singing and a smile on my face. Praise the Lord!!! For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Working the Radio
Well, I've been working the Christian Radio Station here in Elkton, MD. I work 48 hours a week. I think I get like 7 or 8 dollars american. I've been working for the past three weeks. All my money I've earned is going to my school bill. This is W O E L on 89.9 fm in Elkton, MD. You can listen in on the internet at www.mbcmin.org and click the WOEL logo. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
My new blog.
I heard about this blogging stuff through Anna Davis, a fellow student here at Maryland Baptist Bible College, and I wanted to start one to keep those updated with what is going on in my life down here at college.
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Matt & Becky Flegal
This is Matt and Becky Flegal. These two got married in August. I was a groomsmen. I stayed with his parents & their family over this past weekend.
a flegal
Basketball team

This was two years ago. It was a good team. I am whats left of that team. Everyone has either graduated or left the college.
Wally World
I like to visit that place a lot. I practically live there sometimes. You should see all of the passes that have been signed to go there. Most likely my name has showed up the most on the passes to Wal-Mart.