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Friday, April 25, 2008

Prayer Request

Hey everybody!! Just wanted to ask everyone to pray for the Spring Recital. I'll be playing in it and my piece is kinda hard. We have to have the piece memorized. Well, I have one part of it memorized and its next Friday!!!!!

The whole Recital is a Mozart theme. I'll be playing 18th Century Garden (Sonata in C) along with Come Thou Fount as my hymn. I have the Mozart piece memorized and part of Come Thou Fount memorized. The conclusion is weird, I think I'm butchering it though. I'm enjoying it though. If I play my piece everyday until next Friday, I'll have it memorized.

Like I said, I have most of it memorized but please pray that I'll do my best and honor the Lord with this piece. I'd appreciate it. Thanks. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.

p.s. Ducks Rule!!!


SmS said...

Heyo. You'll do super. I am praying for you.

Anonymous said...

There is only one duck that rules in your book.

Anonymous said...

that wasn't meant to be offensive. . .I'd love to know if you know who this. It's a joke by the way, and somebody else said to say it.

Matt & Becky Flegal

Matt & Becky Flegal
This is Matt and Becky Flegal. These two got married in August. I was a groomsmen. I stayed with his parents & their family over this past weekend.

a flegal

a flegal

Basketball team

Basketball team
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Wally World
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