Well, here I am again with another post. Today was kinda hard to get up. I was up until midnight reading. I have a final today for the seminar I took last week. So this morning I will be reviewing my notes and verses that I need to have memorized by 1:30pm. I'm looking forward to it.
College days is in a couple of weeks. We were hoping to go bowling for an activity on one of the afternoons but the one bowling alley here only has open bowling at night when there are no leagues. Therefore, we can't go because we have church services that evening. College days is also during Bible Conference. We found another bowling alley but it had a bar connected to it. It had a great price too for group rates. Oh well, we still have an activity planned so our teenaged visitors won't be sitting all the time and not use any of their energy. I don't have to want to deal with antzy teenagers in the dorm that need to use up energy.
Well, I will talk again soon. I need to get ready to head over to my piano lesson. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Married Life, a new born baby, and other surprises
Friday, February 29, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Almost to the Top
Well, we are only a couple of weeks away from the top of the mountain. Then it is all down hill from there. I have major reading to get done. I'll be spending the majority of my day reading in the library most likely. I got some done this morning but nearly not as much as I wanted to.
I was in the library and well there were a couple of set of lights that were pretty much out. I knew where the new lights were and so I changed those for the librarian. For some reason the lights were easier coming off than putting back on. I got them on though and by the time I got them on it was lunch time.
That is what I don't like down here. I live by the clock. I need to be here at this time, I have to eat at this time, etc...Oh to be living on my own. That is what I rather be doing but the Lord has me here at this time in my life to teach me something and so I'll do my best to be content.
I've been preparing a message entitled, "That Ye May Know", I like the way it is going. I need to once again revise it. I thought of more ideas and so I'll probably do that tonight. I also need to get one hour of piano practice in today. Hopefully I'll be able to balance everything out with what I need to get done in this week and the next week.
Thank God for His precious Son Jesus!! Nothing cannot take away the joy of eternal life through the LORD Jesus Christ!! For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Well, we are only a couple of weeks away from the top of the mountain. Then it is all down hill from there. I have major reading to get done. I'll be spending the majority of my day reading in the library most likely. I got some done this morning but nearly not as much as I wanted to.
I was in the library and well there were a couple of set of lights that were pretty much out. I knew where the new lights were and so I changed those for the librarian. For some reason the lights were easier coming off than putting back on. I got them on though and by the time I got them on it was lunch time.
That is what I don't like down here. I live by the clock. I need to be here at this time, I have to eat at this time, etc...Oh to be living on my own. That is what I rather be doing but the Lord has me here at this time in my life to teach me something and so I'll do my best to be content.
I've been preparing a message entitled, "That Ye May Know", I like the way it is going. I need to once again revise it. I thought of more ideas and so I'll probably do that tonight. I also need to get one hour of piano practice in today. Hopefully I'll be able to balance everything out with what I need to get done in this week and the next week.
Thank God for His precious Son Jesus!! Nothing cannot take away the joy of eternal life through the LORD Jesus Christ!! For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
How Original
Hey everybody!! It is module week and I have time to do some typing here. The module is awesome. I enjoyed every minute of it. Today is the very first quiz of the module. So I'm not going to stay on here much longer. Oh, the module class is called Introduction to Biblical Counseling. A Pastor from PA is teaching the class. His name is Keith Sweitzer. He is an awesome guy. He took us all the students out for supper last night. We went to Friendly's. I should of ordered the steak instead of chicken strips. It was still good though. I made highlights in the class notes already so I'm not too worried about the quiz. But I should go and re-read the highlights. Good talking. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I know
Hey just wanted to let you guys know it is marvelous to be saved, born again, and washed in the b l o o d of Jesus Christ. There is nothing like being saved. The world cannot compare to it. The world has nothing to offer that is better. The great thing about it is that I know that I'm saved. I'm glad I don't have to worry about messing up because God has forgiven me of my sins for all eternity. I'm not worried about losing my salvation. I'm not going to worry about losing my salvation. I'm not going to lose my salvation. I'm secure in Christ and Christ is in me.
I don't have a religion, I have a relationship with the King of kings and LORD of lords. If I had a religion I would not be as secure as I am. I'm dependent upon Christ and only Christ. I John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
I don't have a religion, I have a relationship with the King of kings and LORD of lords. If I had a religion I would not be as secure as I am. I'm dependent upon Christ and only Christ. I John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Welcome to my World
Well, things are going well. There is a peace in my heart that has come there to stay. When you follow the Lord, the peace of God rules in your heart. I really enjoyed the verse I posted. Hebrews 3:13. Man that verse hit me like a ton of bricks. I hadn't had a verse hit me like that for a while. I thank God for it. God is still working.
Please pray for Justin Carrow. He transfered from Crown College in Tennessee. He had his appendix removed two weeks before school started here. He played volleyball and well that didn't help him at all. So now he will be only be participating in the seminars. Which are one week classes. I really liked him even though I only knew him for a day. He has a heart for God and I'm looking forward to getting to know him in the fall semester.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Please pray for Justin Carrow. He transfered from Crown College in Tennessee. He had his appendix removed two weeks before school started here. He played volleyball and well that didn't help him at all. So now he will be only be participating in the seminars. Which are one week classes. I really liked him even though I only knew him for a day. He has a heart for God and I'm looking forward to getting to know him in the fall semester.
For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Decision Made
The Lord has made the decision clear. All it requires now is action. It is going to be tough to do. But there are decisions that have to be made even when you don't like it. There are things that you don't want to do but need to be done. I wish I can make things the way I want them to be but it does not work that way. It is following God no matter what the cost. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Well, this is just a post. Not much to say but God is in control and I just to need to cast all my care upon Him because He cares for me. There is no need to get all frantic about situations in our lives. Is there anything too hard for the Lord? The Lord has been encouraging me with His Word. Mr. Cruise gave an excellent little devotion at basketball that God got a hold of my heart. Then, a little devotion John Kriebel gave on Philippians 4:19. That verse is a great promise. I need claim that promise. Keep praying, haven't made a decision yet but God is working in a mysterious way. It will be clear when I make a decision. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Please be praying. I'm really confused on a situation in my life right now. I'm not sure what to do with the whole thing. I'm being pulled in multiple directions and God is not the author of confusion. I want His decision for me to be plain as black and white. What I mean is that there will be no questions asked when I make a decision about it. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Its February!!!
Can you believe it!!? Its already February!! These two weeks seem like it has been nothing. School projects are piling up and time is running out. What I like about the spring semester is that it is really fast pace and its over. But, there always seems to be this thing called, "Homework" that gets in the way of enjoying all the events that goes on.
Well, today is my first time for a piano lesson for the semester. Just another thing to add on to my list of things to do. I like that one little extra credit but it adds a lot to the work load that I do have. Last semester it was trying to juggle getting practice time for song leading and piano practice in. This semester, its a lot of reading and piano practice.
I realized yesterday I am quite a fast typer. I was typing out of a book and I was reading the letters as I typed. I have the keyboard memorized. I also realized that if I can read music notes just as fast I read letters, I could probably become this awesome piano player. So that will be my goal for this semester for piano, to read music notes just as fast I can read letters and know the piano keys really well. Alrighty, for His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Well, today is my first time for a piano lesson for the semester. Just another thing to add on to my list of things to do. I like that one little extra credit but it adds a lot to the work load that I do have. Last semester it was trying to juggle getting practice time for song leading and piano practice in. This semester, its a lot of reading and piano practice.
I realized yesterday I am quite a fast typer. I was typing out of a book and I was reading the letters as I typed. I have the keyboard memorized. I also realized that if I can read music notes just as fast I read letters, I could probably become this awesome piano player. So that will be my goal for this semester for piano, to read music notes just as fast I can read letters and know the piano keys really well. Alrighty, for His purpose, Shane Gordon.
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Matt & Becky Flegal
This is Matt and Becky Flegal. These two got married in August. I was a groomsmen. I stayed with his parents & their family over this past weekend.
a flegal
Basketball team

This was two years ago. It was a good team. I am whats left of that team. Everyone has either graduated or left the college.
Wally World
I like to visit that place a lot. I practically live there sometimes. You should see all of the passes that have been signed to go there. Most likely my name has showed up the most on the passes to Wal-Mart.