Married Life, a new born baby, and other surprises
Thursday, January 31, 2008
What else is new?
Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, what else is new? It just seems like everything is going great and then the devil puts his foot in the door. It never fails. So when things are going great, watch out! You just don't know when the devil will strike. When things are going quite well, have in your mind that the devil is up to something and it is the same old thing every time. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Singing I Go
The Lord is so good. There are times where it just seems like nothing is going your way but God still gives a song. He has kept me singing through many things that I have not liked. Even when we do give up, God is still faithful.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Relaxing so far today
Hey everybody!! Today is a little more relaxing but I have done some reading. I'm just taking a quick break and I'll be hitting the books again(not literally but figuratively). Today was kinda funny here in the computer room. I was talking with Brenda and Maggie. Maggie was trying to remember an author that wrote "Christian" books. It had something to do with the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Anyways, when she said, the author wrote books for Christians but the books were not Christian, I said out loud, "David Cloud". Dr. Straughan gave me this look and shook his head. It was funny.
I also bought a book shelf from Staples. It is awesome. My other bookshelf is not overflowing books now. It is that type of book shelf that if you buy another one, you can put it on top the other bookshelf. So really, I have, sort of, half of a big bookshelf. But it goes great with my desk and it fits perfectly in between my desk and my closet. It looks like it was practically made for me. Anyways, For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
I also bought a book shelf from Staples. It is awesome. My other bookshelf is not overflowing books now. It is that type of book shelf that if you buy another one, you can put it on top the other bookshelf. So really, I have, sort of, half of a big bookshelf. But it goes great with my desk and it fits perfectly in between my desk and my closet. It looks like it was practically made for me. Anyways, For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Busy and time is flying
Man, time is flying. I just realized the time and it is almost lunch time. I wanted to sit down and do some stuff and so I did other stuff before I did the other stuff and now it seems like I won't be getting to those stuff. I said I would be playing football with the guys after lunch and by the time we're done with that I'll be cleaned up and ready to go to supper. Than it is basically study hours after that. Then devotion time and then its back to bed. Living by the clock down here is not my way of living. I wish I could live according to my schedule that I want but I'm here under college rules and a duty to perform as dorm monitor. Responsibility and balance with how I use my time. I got somewhat of what I wanted to get done. God is still on the throne and under control. Question, what are you doing with your time? For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Missions Conference
So far the missions conference has been a tremendous blessing. I have liked all the messages so far. I believe the Lord is guiding each missionary with His divine power to give us the messages we need to hear. I noticed a little theme going on. It has been about working and staying busy. I'll be honest, there are a lot of us that are not busy for the Lord and the Lord is trying to get our attention. My question is this: What are YOU doing about it?
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Well, not much to say. I know I haven't posted anything since Monday but its not like its forever. Only two whole days. I've been really busy today. I woke up 5:30am, did my personal stuff. Inspected some dorm jobs, went to breakfast. Inspected more dorm jobs after breakfast. Went to the college to set up my laptop for class. I had two classes today. Comparative Religions and Soteriology. Then after those I went to lunch and then I went to the dorm to prepare for my weekly meeting with my dean of men as dorm monitor. We went over a lot. Then we both went to see Mrs. Hitchens about bed stuff for the missionary staying in there Thursday night. So we got the things we needed and then I made the bed for him. I will be cleaning the showers tonight. I cleaned everything else last week. Now, I'm updating this site for your personal benefit. Anyways, I want to go and read my missionary book down in the library. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Classes Begin
Today I have Biographies of Great Missionaries. This class only meets once every 3 weeks. So that doesn't tie me down. I am looking forward to all the reading. I have to read five books and then I hand in a book report. So that will probably take up most of my time as for homework. Every other class is the basic paper or reading. It is still like last semester, there is a lot of reading. Its good for me though. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Friday, January 18, 2008
They're coming!!
So far we have only one guy show up to register. He is from Delaware. His name is Justin Caroll. He transfered from Crown in Tennessee. He is moved into the dorm but won't be coming back until Sunday Night. There should be other guys coming today hopefully. The rest will probably show up tomorrow. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
I'm registered
Well, today I registered for college. I am taking 15 credits. It looks like I'll have a lot of reading to do. Not worried about projects. They always seem to get done and I do fairly well. If I fall behind in reading, its really hard to catch up. I have like 3 days off. I have one class Monday from 8:40-10:15. Tuesday off, Wednesday I have classes from 7:50 am all the way to 12:30. Wednesday is my only full day. I have Thursday off and I also have Friday off. Ever since I started college, I have never had a class on Friday. After this semester, I have only two more semesters. So I'm hoping that my streak won't end. Anyways, for His purpose, Shane Gordon.
My Last Day
Today is my last day on the radio. I am looking forward to finishing up. One other College student showed up today. She is Anna Davis. She is the girls dorm monitor. Other students will be coming tomorrow. So I will be getting up a little early to do some quick cleaning and touch ups to make the guys' dorm look half decent. I'm looking forward to having some people around the dorm. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
My tooth is fixed
Well, the dentist trip didn't last too long. I think it was less than an hour or even 45 minutes. The dentist is a Christian man and so he didn't charge me anything. So praise the Lord for that. He said it might get infected. So please pray that it won't get infected. If it gets infected, I probably have to get it pulled or a root canal and those are quite expensive. So I'm hoping and praying that my tooth won't get infected. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Monday, January 14, 2008
I'm Back
Hey everybody. I got back today(Monday) from the Flegals in Chads Ford, PA. I enjoyed my weekend there. It was a much needed break from the dorm. I love the family, they are very kind and they are a family that is hard not to like. Its kinda funny though, when I went there near Thanksgiving, I helped Mr. Flegal haul wood. Then when I went there this time, he took me to work with him Saturday. Then Monday I worked all day with him. So I told myself, the next time I go there, I'm going to bring my work clothes. It was good for me though. Sitting 8 hours in a little room working a radio isn't exactly work. I needed that physical activity. Well, I am in my last week of working the radio and the last week of the CHRISTmas break. I'm looking forward to seeing everybody again. I don't think anybody is coming Friday but maybe they will. Everybody probably will show up Saturday. I'm looking forward to it. Anyways, God gave me a verse before I went to work for Mr. Flegal today. Its in Proverbs. Proverbs 14:23 In all labour there is profit: but the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury. I laboured today and certainly there was profit. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Dentist Trip
I went to the dentist this morning. Had X-rays done and well the dentist said that it looks like we can save my tooth. So I will be going back in Tuesday morning to get it cleaned out and filled in. So Tuesday should remind me of the Bill Cosby's dentist story. I enjoy going to the dentist, helps keep your teeth clean. I think I will continue to go to the dentist down here when I am here. Just for cleaning or checkups. I will go again back home to do the same. Well, see ya. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Away for the Weekend
Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment in the morning and then 5 0r 6pm I'll be leaving for Chadsford, PA. I will be visiting the Flegals.
I need a break from the dorm. I have viewed the dorm differently this year. I view it differently because I'm the dorm monitor. There are a lot headaches with the job but the Lord's grace is sufficient. He has kept me singing and a smile on my face. Praise the Lord!!! For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
I need a break from the dorm. I have viewed the dorm differently this year. I view it differently because I'm the dorm monitor. There are a lot headaches with the job but the Lord's grace is sufficient. He has kept me singing and a smile on my face. Praise the Lord!!! For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
Working the Radio
Well, I've been working the Christian Radio Station here in Elkton, MD. I work 48 hours a week. I think I get like 7 or 8 dollars american. I've been working for the past three weeks. All my money I've earned is going to my school bill. This is W O E L on 89.9 fm in Elkton, MD. You can listen in on the internet at and click the WOEL logo. For His purpose, Shane Gordon.
My new blog.
I heard about this blogging stuff through Anna Davis, a fellow student here at Maryland Baptist Bible College, and I wanted to start one to keep those updated with what is going on in my life down here at college.
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Matt & Becky Flegal
This is Matt and Becky Flegal. These two got married in August. I was a groomsmen. I stayed with his parents & their family over this past weekend.
a flegal
Basketball team

This was two years ago. It was a good team. I am whats left of that team. Everyone has either graduated or left the college.
Wally World
I like to visit that place a lot. I practically live there sometimes. You should see all of the passes that have been signed to go there. Most likely my name has showed up the most on the passes to Wal-Mart.