Hello All,
100 posts ago I did my first post. Carazy if you think about it. Not sure what to do to celebrate this achieving moment. I guess I can just go with my day as a normal day. I'm just waiting to be done with school, dorm, and mailing boxes home.
Mailing boxes home have been expensive. I've spent a lot of money to send just a few boxes home. I actually need to get going on a lot more boxes to mail home. I have two big boxes left to pack and I basically got only two weeks left. Well, two weeks of regular classes and then a week of finals but finals actually start next Thursday.
Time is flying and I have a lot of books to mail yet. Its going to be expensive these last two boxes. I'm going to see if I can get out somewhere to find smaller boxes and mail a bunch of those instead of mailing big huge boxes. But I need to mail as much books as I can first in these two big boxes before smaller boxes come into play.
We're making the necessary plans for a reception after the graduation ceremony. A lot of us wanted a reception and so the students who are graduating are doing some leg work to get it. Its always nice to have a little something something after a ceremony like a college graduation and people are traveling from afar (like my parents and my pastor).
So that is in order and as for news...The recital is this Friday on May 1st starting at 7:00pm. I'm playing Amazing Grace. It is a very nice arrangement. I just got it memorized last night. There are a few chords I get wrong but no one will know the difference except for Mrs. Dow and thats only if I mess up. I'll be nervous and so that'll be why I mess up. But for the most part, I have it memorized and I'm ready to play it live and ready to do it to the best of my ability. I just like to give Mrs. Dow a hard time about it.
For those of you playing in the recital this Friday...don't sweat it.
For His purpose,
Shane Gordon.
Married Life, a new born baby, and other surprises
Monday, April 27, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Wayne Gretzky
Hello my fellow blogsters,
If you think this post is about Wayne Gretzky you're partially right. This blog won't be about him entirely but somewhat about him. I'm calling this post Wayne Gretzky because his number is 99 and if you haven't figured it out yet, this post is my 99th post.
It was about 10 years ago, April 15th, 1999, Wayne Gretzky played his last game in Canada. He was one of Hockey's legends. When you hear someone say NHL you should automatically think Wayne Gretzky. He was the reason I played hockey and watched hockey. I can't stand to watch hockey now.
Anyways, that was just a taste of Wayne Gretzky. Now, spring break is over and we are on our final lap towards Graduation!!! I have no projects left to do. All I have to do is read one book and that is for the class Bible Customs and Manners.
I had a blast on spring break. A lot of late nights and early uprisings. So rest was out of the question. We had wedding planning and family outings. I played bejeweled on the computer while the ladies did the invitations. I was supposed to help but Mr. Simmers needed me to go out with him to get some food.
I was able to fulfill one of my ambitions in life. I went to Sight and Sound. It is a music theatre that is run by "Christians". They do numerous of shows like Ruth, In The Beginning, Behold the Lamb, and I think next year they'll be doing Joseph. That should be a good one. I watched Behold The Lamb.
They did an amazing job. Of course, what they portrayed Christ as a man with long hair and other details I wouldn't agree with as a Christian. For the most part they did an excellent job in displaying the miracles of Christ. My favorite was the walking on water.
I bought a dvd of another show they did. It was called "The Redemption of Ruth". We started to watch it but started to get tired and couldn't finish it. Should be interesting to watch some time in the future. I would like to watch In The Beginning if I could.
Well, I best be going.
For His purpose,
Shane Gordon.
If you think this post is about Wayne Gretzky you're partially right. This blog won't be about him entirely but somewhat about him. I'm calling this post Wayne Gretzky because his number is 99 and if you haven't figured it out yet, this post is my 99th post.
It was about 10 years ago, April 15th, 1999, Wayne Gretzky played his last game in Canada. He was one of Hockey's legends. When you hear someone say NHL you should automatically think Wayne Gretzky. He was the reason I played hockey and watched hockey. I can't stand to watch hockey now.
Anyways, that was just a taste of Wayne Gretzky. Now, spring break is over and we are on our final lap towards Graduation!!! I have no projects left to do. All I have to do is read one book and that is for the class Bible Customs and Manners.
I had a blast on spring break. A lot of late nights and early uprisings. So rest was out of the question. We had wedding planning and family outings. I played bejeweled on the computer while the ladies did the invitations. I was supposed to help but Mr. Simmers needed me to go out with him to get some food.
I was able to fulfill one of my ambitions in life. I went to Sight and Sound. It is a music theatre that is run by "Christians". They do numerous of shows like Ruth, In The Beginning, Behold the Lamb, and I think next year they'll be doing Joseph. That should be a good one. I watched Behold The Lamb.
They did an amazing job. Of course, what they portrayed Christ as a man with long hair and other details I wouldn't agree with as a Christian. For the most part they did an excellent job in displaying the miracles of Christ. My favorite was the walking on water.
I bought a dvd of another show they did. It was called "The Redemption of Ruth". We started to watch it but started to get tired and couldn't finish it. Should be interesting to watch some time in the future. I would like to watch In The Beginning if I could.
Well, I best be going.
For His purpose,
Shane Gordon.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Spring Break
Hello all,
So here I am on Spring Break. It started Friday and its Monday already. So far it hasn't been a break. It has been non-stop ever since we got to Sandy's home. So Friday we got here and ate lunch and played kickball and started to watch Newsies and then never finished it and then did a bonfire and then we watched Pinocchio (70th anniversary).
We went Grocery shopping with Sandy in the morning. Then ran errands with Sandy, Liz Simmers, and Mrs. Simmers. Then I went paintballing with Sandy's brother Tim. There was only 5 of us but we still had fun. Tim and I were on a team together against his brother in law John and one of his friends named Brandon. Tim and I got lit up a lot. Tim had a pump gun. So we decided that one game we were going to shoot them regardless of how many times we got hit. They needed to be put in their place.
So then John's brother Sam started to play and we killed them again. Then Tim, Sam, and I played elimination because John and Brandon ran out of c02. Sam and I were on a team against Tim and Tim won that round. Then it was me against Tim and Sam. I won that round. It was a lot of fun.
Then I went to Sonic's with Tim after paintball because I only ate breakfast that day and it was 5 o clock when we finished paintball. We were super hungry. Then after that we came back here and then we went to Berkshire Mall. Sandy bought her shoes that she'll be wearing with her wedding dress. She says they match her dress perfectly.
Sunday was church. We went on the bus in the morning, we went to Sandy's grandparents for lunch on Resurrection Sunday. Then we played games there and then we went to Pastor Sweitzers church Sunday night. Then we came home and hung out and ate gluten free pizza. Then we watched Batman (1989).
Today we slept in. I forgot my skin medicine at the dorm and I thought I could survive without it for a week but dog and cat hair murder my skin. So we left about 2:00 for the dorm to get my medicine. An hour and a half drive both ways. It worked out for the good because Sandy forgot the address book for our wedding guest list in the girls dorm and so she got that and some other stuff.
So here I am preparing for tomorrow. I think we're going somewhere. Not sure where though. Well, I typed enough...until next time.
For His purpose,
Shane Gordon.
So here I am on Spring Break. It started Friday and its Monday already. So far it hasn't been a break. It has been non-stop ever since we got to Sandy's home. So Friday we got here and ate lunch and played kickball and started to watch Newsies and then never finished it and then did a bonfire and then we watched Pinocchio (70th anniversary).
We went Grocery shopping with Sandy in the morning. Then ran errands with Sandy, Liz Simmers, and Mrs. Simmers. Then I went paintballing with Sandy's brother Tim. There was only 5 of us but we still had fun. Tim and I were on a team together against his brother in law John and one of his friends named Brandon. Tim and I got lit up a lot. Tim had a pump gun. So we decided that one game we were going to shoot them regardless of how many times we got hit. They needed to be put in their place.
So then John's brother Sam started to play and we killed them again. Then Tim, Sam, and I played elimination because John and Brandon ran out of c02. Sam and I were on a team against Tim and Tim won that round. Then it was me against Tim and Sam. I won that round. It was a lot of fun.
Then I went to Sonic's with Tim after paintball because I only ate breakfast that day and it was 5 o clock when we finished paintball. We were super hungry. Then after that we came back here and then we went to Berkshire Mall. Sandy bought her shoes that she'll be wearing with her wedding dress. She says they match her dress perfectly.
Sunday was church. We went on the bus in the morning, we went to Sandy's grandparents for lunch on Resurrection Sunday. Then we played games there and then we went to Pastor Sweitzers church Sunday night. Then we came home and hung out and ate gluten free pizza. Then we watched Batman (1989).
Today we slept in. I forgot my skin medicine at the dorm and I thought I could survive without it for a week but dog and cat hair murder my skin. So we left about 2:00 for the dorm to get my medicine. An hour and a half drive both ways. It worked out for the good because Sandy forgot the address book for our wedding guest list in the girls dorm and so she got that and some other stuff.
So here I am preparing for tomorrow. I think we're going somewhere. Not sure where though. Well, I typed enough...until next time.
For His purpose,
Shane Gordon.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Starburst Jelly-Beans
My fellow Americans and Canadians,
I am here to announce that we are only days away from Spring Break. I know, we're excited. Monday is almost through and Friday will be here before we know it. It is an exciting time. I sometimes wonder "where has the time gone?". I've been a freshmen, sophmore, Junior, and now am a senior and soon to be graduate of a four-year degree. GOD is good isn't He? GOD is good all the time and all the time GOD is good. He's good to see us this far. Don't quit cause God hasn't.
My title is starburst Jelly-Beans. They come out once a year and it is for Easter time. They are the most wonderful things. Its sorta a good dessert after lunch. I like to combine lemon and strawberry. I also like to combine orange and cherry. The weird thing is this: It says it is original fruit but yet it has grape and apple in the original fruit. The original fruit chews of starburst does not have grape and apple for their original fruit. That sorta bugs me. Thats ok I guess. I still eat them.
You know what is really annoying? Wait...let me answer. Stickers on fruit. Aren't they annoying? Why in the world do we need stickers on fruit? Anyways, that is just one little thing that annoys me.
I encourage all of you to read Psalm 115. It is an excellent Psalm. I got curious when I read the verse on the cake of the Senior recital. It talks about idols and when I read about those idols, I couldn't help but to think that our God is alive.
(1) They have eyes but they don't see--Our God watches over us.
(2) They have mouths but they don't speak--Our God gave us His Word
(3) They have noses but they don't smell--Our God smells the sweet savor of sacrifices (Ephesians 5:2)
(4) They have hands but they don't handle anything--Our God shapes and forms us like the potter.
(5) They have feet but they don't walk--Our God walks with us wherever we go.
(6) They were made by hands of men and worshipped by men--Our God made us to worship Him.
(7) They are not alive and those that made them are like them--Our God is alive and we are made alive through Him.
Our God is good all the time and all the time our God is good.
For His purpose,
Shane Gordon.
I am here to announce that we are only days away from Spring Break. I know, we're excited. Monday is almost through and Friday will be here before we know it. It is an exciting time. I sometimes wonder "where has the time gone?". I've been a freshmen, sophmore, Junior, and now am a senior and soon to be graduate of a four-year degree. GOD is good isn't He? GOD is good all the time and all the time GOD is good. He's good to see us this far. Don't quit cause God hasn't.
My title is starburst Jelly-Beans. They come out once a year and it is for Easter time. They are the most wonderful things. Its sorta a good dessert after lunch. I like to combine lemon and strawberry. I also like to combine orange and cherry. The weird thing is this: It says it is original fruit but yet it has grape and apple in the original fruit. The original fruit chews of starburst does not have grape and apple for their original fruit. That sorta bugs me. Thats ok I guess. I still eat them.
You know what is really annoying? Wait...let me answer. Stickers on fruit. Aren't they annoying? Why in the world do we need stickers on fruit? Anyways, that is just one little thing that annoys me.
I encourage all of you to read Psalm 115. It is an excellent Psalm. I got curious when I read the verse on the cake of the Senior recital. It talks about idols and when I read about those idols, I couldn't help but to think that our God is alive.
(1) They have eyes but they don't see--Our God watches over us.
(2) They have mouths but they don't speak--Our God gave us His Word
(3) They have noses but they don't smell--Our God smells the sweet savor of sacrifices (Ephesians 5:2)
(4) They have hands but they don't handle anything--Our God shapes and forms us like the potter.
(5) They have feet but they don't walk--Our God walks with us wherever we go.
(6) They were made by hands of men and worshipped by men--Our God made us to worship Him.
(7) They are not alive and those that made them are like them--Our God is alive and we are made alive through Him.
Our God is good all the time and all the time our God is good.
For His purpose,
Shane Gordon.
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Matt & Becky Flegal
This is Matt and Becky Flegal. These two got married in August. I was a groomsmen. I stayed with his parents & their family over this past weekend.
a flegal
Basketball team

This was two years ago. It was a good team. I am whats left of that team. Everyone has either graduated or left the college.
Wally World
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