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Married Life, a new born baby, and other surprises

Sunday, June 13, 2010

In Aklavik

Hello peoples!!!

Well, I'm here in Aklavik. I came here yesterday (Saturday). About 15 minutes after we left Inuvik in the airplane, a lightening storm hit Inuvik. Then the Nolands, myself, Alex White, and Jessica Wilson hung out at the airport in Aklavik because the pilot wasn't heading back to Inuvik.

Alex and Jessica, who are from Inuvik, were heading back to Inuvik. I came to learn how to run things at the house and the church. I also preached. So anyways, I woke up this morning to the house shaking...literally. The wind was very strong. It has been windy since then. So hopefully it calms down a bit by tomorrow morning so I can get back to Inuvik.

Sandy couldn't come because of babysitting. The flight leaves for Inuvik at 9a.m. and well, Snads starts babysitting between 8 and 830. She had company though. Our niece Tyanna slept over Saturday night.

I've been trying to use a calling card to call Sandy but it says the lines are busy. So I'm going to try calling again after this post. So we're heading moving over here sometime in September or the beginning of October. We'll see how the Lord moves. So keep praying.

For His purpose,

Shane Gordon.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Assisant Pastor

Hello my readers,

I haven't been up to much here in Inuvik. As my title reads, I am now an Assistant Pastor. I am getting a small salary from the church. I will be in charge of the youth and I have another opportunity to serve in another area which I am excited about. It has nothing to do with being an assistant pastor but its an opportunity to serve.

I will be involved in this place called Arctic Tern. Sandy was involved in that with young girls. Its a young offenders facility. Instead of girls its boys. It will be a one on one Bible study. Of course boys will be different from girls. The girls were very open and it was a back and forth with questions and answering.

I'm hoping it will be the same way with the boys. So I would like everyone's prayers for me to be the assistant pastor I need to be for God and to have good visits at the Arctic Tern.

For His purpose,

Shane Gordon.

Matt & Becky Flegal

Matt & Becky Flegal
This is Matt and Becky Flegal. These two got married in August. I was a groomsmen. I stayed with his parents & their family over this past weekend.

a flegal

a flegal

Basketball team

Basketball team
This was two years ago. It was a good team. I am whats left of that team. Everyone has either graduated or left the college.

Wally World

Wally World
I like to visit that place a lot. I practically live there sometimes. You should see all of the passes that have been signed to go there. Most likely my name has showed up the most on the passes to Wal-Mart.