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Married Life, a new born baby, and other surprises

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Hello my readers,

Well, its official. We prayed, prayed, prayed. God moved and directed. We're moving to Aklavik for a short period of time. We'll be running the ministry for the missionary family named the Nolands. They're leaving for furlough in June. We'll be moving over the end of September beginning of October.

It going to be good training for me to run a small ministry. We'll be there until the middle of January. The reason we're going in October is for the winter months. During the summer Aklavik is a dead town. No one is there, they're out on the land at their camps. But when it gets cold, everyone is back in town.

The house the Nolands live in we'll be living in and taking care of. The owner of the house didn't want to leave the house empty during the winter. The owner didn't want the house to freeze. So that is our news.

For His purpose,

Shane Gordon.


Rachel Lynn said...

Wow. That's still aways off (October) but I'll be praying for you both as you make plans and work things out with the Nolands. Draw nigh to God! =)


Hi. Nice effort. Keep it up.
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