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Married Life, a new born baby, and other surprises

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Here we go again!!

Alrighty then! Hey everybody. I'm just enjoying life here down in college. I finished my book report last night for the counseling class that is due tomorrow. I have it handed in and everything. So I'm good to go on that. I am preaching in Pastor's fellowship tomorrow and I'm not there to try to impress them, the Lord just wants me to give them a simple reminder of their eternal security in Jesus Christ our Saviour. I have called it "That Ye May Know". I will be looking it over some tonight...now that I'm thinking of it, I need to revise it in the beginning. I need to once again add another verse.

I believe there is a threefold witness of security. There are a couple more but I will be just covering three of them. There is the witness of the Scriptures. There is the witness of an internal confirmation. Finally, there is the witness of an external evidence. In short, the Scriptures were given by God so we can know, the Holy Spirit that indwells us confirms to us that we know, and a true born again believer will be characterized by right living and by their life of obedience, we know. A threefold witness of security. All three are given so that ye may know.

It is a blessing to KNOW that I am saved and on my way to heaven!!! Praise the Lord!!!! For His purpose, Shane Gordon.

1 comment:

Anna Payne said...

hey. . . like the three-fold witness thing!

Matt & Becky Flegal

Matt & Becky Flegal
This is Matt and Becky Flegal. These two got married in August. I was a groomsmen. I stayed with his parents & their family over this past weekend.

a flegal

a flegal

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Basketball team
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Wally World
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