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Married Life, a new born baby, and other surprises

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Away for the Weekend

Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment in the morning and then 5 0r 6pm I'll be leaving for Chadsford, PA. I will be visiting the Flegals.
I need a break from the dorm. I have viewed the dorm differently this year. I view it differently because I'm the dorm monitor. There are a lot headaches with the job but the Lord's grace is sufficient. He has kept me singing and a smile on my face. Praise the Lord!!! For His purpose, Shane Gordon.

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Matt & Becky Flegal

Matt & Becky Flegal
This is Matt and Becky Flegal. These two got married in August. I was a groomsmen. I stayed with his parents & their family over this past weekend.

a flegal

a flegal

Basketball team

Basketball team
This was two years ago. It was a good team. I am whats left of that team. Everyone has either graduated or left the college.

Wally World

Wally World
I like to visit that place a lot. I practically live there sometimes. You should see all of the passes that have been signed to go there. Most likely my name has showed up the most on the passes to Wal-Mart.